Page 123 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 123

Nervous tissue (textus nervosus)   105

                                                                                5.6  Types of nerve cell (schematic).

                                                                                       Rough endoplasmic
                              Nucleoplasm                                              reticulum


                          Perinuclear space                                            Nucleolus


                  5.7  Fine structure of the perikaryon of a multipolar neuron within the cerebrum (x5000).

                  Pseudo-unipolar neurons                        dendritic axon are part of the peripheral nervous system
                  The cell bodies of pseudo-unipolar neurons are found in  and both are myelinated.
                  the sensory ganglia of spinal and cranial nerves (Figures   Electrophysiologically, the sensory signal bypasses the
                  5.5 and 5.6). This type of nerve cell develops embryonically  perikaryon to pass directly into the dorsal root of the spinal
                  from a bipolar nerve cell. One of the two cell processes  cord. The cell body serves primarily as a potential means
                  extends into the central nervous system as the axon, while  of regenerating nerve cell processes.
                  the other passes with the anlage of the muscle and skin to
                  the periphery to become the receptor portion of the cell.  Multipolar neurons
                     During embryonic development, the two processes  Multipolar neurons are the most common type of nerve
                  migrate to one side of the perikaryon and fuse, giving  cell (Figures 5.1 to 5.3, 5.6 and 5.7). They develop, for exam-
                  rise to a single origin. The process that extends to the  ple, from neuroblasts of the ventral and dorsal horns of
                  periphery undergoes internal structural changes, coming  the embryonic spinal cord. Several processes extend from
                  to resemble an axon (dendritic axon). Both the axon and  the perikaryon of the neuroblast, beginning to branch at

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