Page 132 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 132

114  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   5.18  Mixed nerve fibre bundle (partial section) with   5.19  Section of a mixed nerve fibre bundle show-
                   perineurium, adipose tissue and smaller blood vessels   ing various degrees of myelination of axons (dog).
                   (dog). Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x300).    Goldner’s Masson trichrome stain (x360).

                                                                  sue. Termed the endoneurium, this forms an incomplete
                                                                  casing around the nerve fibre. Together with the base-
                                                                  ment membrane, the endoneurium forms the endoneurial
                                                                  sheath. Groups of nerve fibres (fascicles) are enclosed in
                                                                  concentrically layered connective tissue septa (perineu-
                                                                  rium, perineurial sheath) (Figures 5.17 to 5.19). A dense,
                                                                  tough superficial connective tissue layer, the epineurium,
                                                                  encloses the whole nerve.

                                                                  Regeneration of nervous tissue
                                                                  Nerve cells cannot be replaced as they lose their ability
                                                                  to divide during the differentiation process. Under cer-
                                                                  tain circumstances, however, peripheral nerves retain the
                                                                  capacity to regenerate through outgrowth of the axon.
                                                                  This is dependent on the integrity of the perikaryon and
                                                                  the supporting Schwann cells, which provide a scaffold for
                                                                     The regeneration of axons is a complex process.
                   5.20  Section of a mixed nerve fibre bundle (heavily   Initially, degenerating nerve fibres are degraded by phago-
                   and poorly myelinated nerve fibres) (dog). Osmium   cytosis. Concurrently, Schwann cells at the proximal and
                   impregnation technique (x480).
                                                                  distal end of the nerve divide and arrange themselves in
                                                                  columns along the path of the original nerve fibre. New
                   accordance with their function, the nerve fibres of the  nerve processes (neurites) sprout from the regenerat-
                   peripheral nervous system are predominantly myelinated.  ing axon, progressing along the columns at 1–2 mm per
                   Each nerve fibre (axon and associated supporting cells)  day. Within approximately 6 months, the axon regains its
                   is invested by one or, usually, several layers of connective  original morphology.
                   tissue (Figures 5.17 to 5.19).
                                                                  Glial cells (neuroglia, gliocytus)
                   Nervous tissue investments                     Glial cells are essential components of nervous tissue.
                   Each nerve fibre is surrounded by a basement membrane,  Without them, nerve cells are unable to function. As elab-
                   which is encircled by a fine network of loose connective tis-  orated upon below, their functions include provision of

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