Page 156 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 156

138  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                        Proliferation                               Maturation



                        Haemopoietic  Promyelocyte  Myelocyte       Metamyelocyte        Granulocyte
                          stem cell
                                                                                 Band form       Segmented
                   7.4  Granulopoiesis (schematic).

                   ribosomes, polyribosomes and ER, and is therefore  phils, the nucleus becomes band-shaped (band form
                   strongly basophilic. With the development of membrane-  stage) and then segmented (Figure 7.4). A gradual reduc-
                   bound azurophilic granules (diameter 0.25– 0.50 μm),  tion in the size of the cells occurs over the course of
                   myeloblasts become promyelocytes which undergo fur-  granulopoiesis.
                   ther mitotic division.                            Movement of mature granulocytes from the bone mar-
                      Promyelocytes are the largest cells in the granulopoi-  row into the circulating blood is controlled by a feedback
                   etic pathway (18–25 μm). The nucleus is euchromatic.  mechanism driven by the availability of differentiated
                   The  cytoplasm  contains  numerous  energy-supplying  granulocytes.
                   mitochondria and secretory dictyosomes (stacks of Golgi
                   cisternae). Numerous protein biosynthetic organelles  Neutrophils (granulocytus neutrophilicus)
                   (ribosomes, polyribosomes, ER) indicate a high rate of  Neutrophils are polymorphonuclear granulocytes with an
                   metabolic activity. Within a week, the azurophilic gran-  average diameter of 10–14 μm (Figure 7.5). In the horse,
                   ules differentiate into specific granules. As of this stage,  dog and cat they are the most abundant white cell type
                   (myelocyte), recognition of neutrophils, eosinophils and  (55–70%) while in other species, lymphocytes predomi-
                   basophils becomes possible (Figure 7.4).       nate (Table 7.2). In younger neutrophils, the nucleus is
                      The main changes occurring during granulopoiesis  elongated and unsegmented (stab or band neutrophils).
                   include:                                       The nucleus of mature neutrophils has two to five lobes,
                                                                  or segments, connected by a narrow chromatin bridge
                     ·  shrinkage of the nucleus,                 (segmented neutrophil).
                     ·  development of non-specific (azurophilic) granules   The vast majority of the total neutrophil population is
                       and                                        stored in the bone marrow, with only 10% occurring in the
                     ·  development of specific granules.         circulating blood and tissues. In acute infectious disease,
                                                                  immature band neutrophils pass from the bone marrow
                   Further differentiation gives rise to the metamyelocyte,  into the blood in greater numbers (‘left shift’).
                   which usually undergoes one additional division. A fur-  The cytoplasm contains abundant granules of two
                   ther week of maturation eventually results in formation  types. Azurophilic (primary) granules (Figure 7.5) are
                   of the polymorphonuclear neutrophil, eosinophil and  lysosomes that contain enzymes including phosphatases,
                   basophil. During this latter stage of granulopoiesis, the  5-nucleotidase, D-amino acid oxidase and peroxidase. They
                   nucleus condenses and becomes indented (kidney-shaped)  also enclose polypeptides that have marked antimicrobial
                   (metamyelocyte). Subsequently, particularly in neutro-  activity against bacteria, fungi and certain coated viruses.

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