Page 160 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 160

142  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   Morphologically, lymphocytes are characterised by a  T 1 cells have an important role in infection, synthesis-
                                                                    H  round,  heterochromatic  nucleus  (occasionally  with  a  ing interferon, interleukin-2 and tumour necrosis factor-α.
                   nucleolus), a narrow rim of cytoplasm and, typically, few  They promote activation of cytotoxic T cells and destruc-
                                                                  tion of pathogens by macrophages.
                   organelles. Due to a high density of ribosomes, polyribo-
                   somes and rough ER, the cytoplasm is basophilic (Figure   T 2  cells  secrete numerous  immunomodulators
                   7.8).                                          including interleukin-3, -4, -5 and -6. Their main functions
                      Lymphocytes exhibit a broad range of functional prop-  include regulation of humoral immunity and activation of
                   erties. Capable of amoeboid movement, they move from  B lymphocytes, limitation of the inflammatory response
                   the blood and lymph vessels into the interstitial tissue and  and activation of allergic reactions. These cells regulate the
                   can reach the paracellular spaces between epithelial cells  transformation of B cells into plasma cells.
                   (intra-epithelial lymphocytes).                   CD8 T lymphocytes: The role of these lymphocytes
                      Lymphocytes have limited phagocytic activity but can  is primarily cytotoxic. They also produce cytokines and
                   influence the activity of other cells including phagocytes.  perform immunoregulatory functions.
                   Lymphokines (chemical mediators) produced by T lym-  Cytotoxic T lymphocytes destroy the target cell (e.g.
                   phocytes are non-antigen-specific proteins that affect the  cells containing bacteria or viruses) by secreting perforins,
                   biological activity of macrophages and granulocytes, as  lytic enzymes and cytokines (e.g. interferon or tumour
                   well as that of other T and B lymphocytes. Lymphokines  necrosis factor) that result in lysis of the plasmalemma.
                   can either inhibit or activate macrophage function.  Cytotoxic lymphocytes may also be involved in lysis of
                      Based on differences in their development and function,  antibody-coated cells through Fc receptor interactions, and
                   lymphocytes are divided into T lymphocytes (T cells), B  apoptosis via proteases.
                   lymphocytes (B cells) and natural killer cells (NK cells).   T-cell receptor (TCR): Found on the surface of T cells,
                   Descriptions of T and B cells are provided below.  the T-cell receptor (TCR) is a molecule that recognises
                                                                  antigens. It consists of an antigen-binding heterodimer
                   T LYMPHOCYTES (T CELLS)                        comprising highly variable αβ (TCRab) or γδ (TCRgd)
                   T lymphocytes leave the bone marrow relatively early in  chains. TCRs regulate differentiation of T lymphocytes
                   their development from haemopoietic stem cells, passing  into CD4  or CD8  T cells. Cells that present antigens to
                   to the cortex of the thymus. Under the influence of cellular  T cells include interdigitating dendritic cells (‘professional’
                   and humoral factors, they mature into immunocompetent  antigen-presenting cells) and macrophages.
                   T cells and migrate from the medulla of the thymus to the
                   peripheral lymphoid organs, where they become activated   B LYMPHOCYTES
                   upon contact with antigens. T lymphocytes are involved in  B lymphocytes are  responsible for  humoral immune
                   cell-mediated immunity. Following contact with an anti-  responses. Induced particularly by foreign  proteins,
                   gen, T cells are transformed into effector cells or memory  viruses or toxins, these result in the production of specific
                   cells. Based on function, T cells can be divided into:  protective products (immunoglobulins, antibodies). In
                                                                  birds, B lymphocytes mature in the bursa of Fabricius,
                     ·  cytotoxic T cells,                        hence their designation as B cells. The bone marrow and
                     ·  helper T cells,                           gut (Peyer’s patches) are considered the equivalent sites
                     ·  suppressor (regulatory) T cells,          in mammals, though further differentiation also occurs
                     ·  memory cells and                          in the secondary lymphoid organs. On their surface, B
                     ·  natural killer T cells (NKT cells).       cells express many specific receptors (membrane-bound
                                                                  immunoglobulins) that function as the site of antigen
                   Based on differences in their surface molecules, T cells are  binding. Antigen–antibody complexes are endocytosed by
                   classified as:                                 the B cell. Under the influence of activated helper T cells,
                                                                  activated B cells (immunoblasts) are transformed into
                     ·  CD4  T lymphocytes and                    plasmablasts (short-lived antibody-secreting cells), long-
                     ·  CD8  T lymphocytes.                       lived antibody-secreting plasma cells and memory B cells
                                                                  (Figures 7.8 and 7.11; see Figure 8.2). Memory B cells can
                   CD4 T lymphocytes: CD4  lymphocytes are helper T cells  generate antibodies more quickly when next exposed to
                   that recognise antigens bound to MHC II molecules and  the same antigen.
                   stimulate differentiation of B lymphocytes. This group can   Follicular dendritic cells and helper T cells play an
                   be further divided into two major subtypes:    important part in antigen presentation during B-cell activa-
                                                                  tion. Non-activated B cells have a lifespan of approximately
                     ·  T 1 cells and                             2 weeks (see also Chapter 8, ‘Immune system and lym-
                     ·  T 2 cells.                                phatic organs’).

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