Page 165 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 165

Immune system and lymphatic organs (organa Iymphopoetica)  147

                                                      Haemopoietic stem cell                     Immature Cell                                        Precursor cell

                             Non-activated B lymphocyte Non-activated T lymphocyte Non-activated macrophage
                                                                                                 competent cell

                               Activated                    Activated               Activated
                              B lymphocyte                T lymphocyte             Macrophage    presentation,
                                                                                                 cell activation


                                                                                                 Memory cell

                                                                 Regu-   Natural    Activated    Formation of
                         Plasma cell  Plasma cell  Cytotoxic  Helper  latory  killer T
                                                T cell   T cell                    macrophage    effector cells
                                                                  cell    cell

                   Adaptive humoral immune response Adaptive cell-mediated immune response Innate cellular immune response

                                                        Target cell/antigen
                  8.2  Schematic summary of immune cell differentiation and the sequence of events resulting from antigenic

                  Cells of the adaptive immune response          Activated helper T cells have a central role in the elimina-
                                                                 tion of antigens. They trigger the transformation of mature
                  T cells
                  T cells are involved in cell-mediated immunity. They   B cells into antigen-specific plasma cells and stimulate the
                  serve to kill other cells through the action of cytokines,   activity of various cytotoxic cells. Some CD4  helper T
                  perforin and lytic enzymes including protease (cytotoxic T   cells (and some CD8  cells) influence the activity of other
                  lymphocytes), or to mediate interactions between immu-  T cells (suppressor or regulatory T cells), resulting in
                  nologically active cells.                      down-regulation or termination of the immune response.
                     Based on the structure of certain surface molecules, T   Helper T cells also differentiate into memory cells that
                  cells are divided into CD4  and CD8  lymphocytes. CD4 +   can respond more quickly to renewed antigen exposure.
                  lymphocytes are further subdivided into the groups T 1   Clonal proliferation of T helper cells is prompted by a cas-
                                                             H   cade of events, including production of interleukin 2.
                  and T 2 (see Chapter 7, ‘Blood and haemopoiesis’).
                                                                 CD8  LYMPHOCYTES
                  CD4  LYMPHOCYTES                                   +
                  This group of T lymphocytes incorporates the cells   CD8  lymphocytes are primarily cytotoxic effector cells.
                  referred to as helper T cells. The functions and character-  Their functions include:
                  istics of helper T cells include:
                                                                   ·  synthesis of cytokines (interferon, tumour necrosis
                                                                     factor) and
                   ·  induction of B cell maturation,
                   ·  induction of proliferation of cytotoxic  CD8  T cells,  ·  induction of cell death (e.g. via proteases).
                   ·  synthesis of cytokines,                               +                            +
                   ·  activation of phagocytic macrophages,      As with CD4 lymphocytes, pools of memory CD8 lym-
                   ·  stimulation of haemopoiesis and            phocytes are formed in response to antigenic stimulation.
                   ·  division into subgroups including T 1 and T 2.
                                                 H      H

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