Page 169 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 169

Immune system and lymphatic organs (organa Iymphopoetica)  151

                  thymic anlage is seeded with lymphocytes originating  mature (naïve) T lymphocytes (T cells). In this process, T  from haemopoietic organs (liver, spleen, later bone mar-  cells attain the capacity to distinguish between ‘self’ and
                  row). These cells accumulate primarily in the periphery of  ‘non-self’. They acquire immunocompetence, developing
                  the thymus. The thymus thus becomes a lymphoepithelial  the capacity to initiate an immune response upon contact
                  organ (Table 8.1).                             with an appropriately presented antigen.
                     The central function of the thymus is the differentia-  The thymus is divided into lobes and incompletely
                  tion of lymphocytes arriving from the bone marrow into  separated lobules (Figures 8.3 and 8.4). Each lobule is com-


                                                                                           T lymphocytes
                        Capillary network
                           dendritic cell                                                  Apoptosis
                           Mature CD4 +
                              and CD8 +                                                    Interdigitating
                          T lymphocytes                                                    dendritic cell

                                                                                           Capillary network

                           Mature CD4 +                                                    Epithelioreticular cell
                              and CD8 +
                          T lymphocytes
                                                                                           Hassall’s corpuscle
                     Epithelioreticular cells

                  8.3  Thymus (schematic). Epithelioreticular cells form the structural foundation of the thymus. The spaces
                  between these contain immature T lymphocytes that develop into CD4 - and CD8 -positive T cells as they move
                  from the outer cortex to the medulla. The process of differentiation involves positive and negative selection
                  (refer to text). Most immature T cells are eliminated by macrophages after undergoing apoptosis.

                  8.4  Thymic lobule (cat). The distinct lobules of the thymus are composed of a lymphocyte-rich cortex and a less
                  cell-dense medulla. Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x80).

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