Page 172 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 172

154  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   8.6  Palatine tonsil (ox). The lymphoid follicles surround a deep, branching tonsillar sinus into which fossula
                   tonsillares open. Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x5).

                   the colon (pig). As ‘intestinal tonsils’, they are responsible for  migrate into the mucosa of the gut and other organs and
                   providing an immunological response to ingested antigens.  produce IgA (secretory dimer).
                      Peyer’s patches have a smooth surface and are char-
                   acterised by densely aggregated lymphoid follicles. The   Lymph nodes (nodi lymphatici)
                   space-occupying follicles result in plaque-like elevation of  Lymph nodes are composed of  lymphatic tissue  sur-
                   the overlying epithelium. Leucocytes are interspersed in  rounded by a capsule. All lymph nodes have both afferent
                   the epithelium. Specialised cells interposed between epi-  (vasa afferentia) and efferent (vasa efferentia) lymph ves-
                   thelial cells, referred to as M cells, facilitate the transport  sels (Table 8.1). Lymph nodes are generally bean-shaped,
                   of antigens through the epithelium.            featuring a hilus at which arteries, veins, lymph vessels and
                      M cells are derived from intestinal stem cells. Together  nerves enter and/or leave the interior of the organ (Figures
                   with immature dendritic cells, they take up antigens from  8.7 and 8.8). The connective tissue capsule is penetrated by
                   the lumen of the gut and transcytose these into intraepi-  numerous, usually afferent, lymph vessels. The pig is an
                   thelial pockets. There they are brought into contact with  exception, in which efferent lymph vessels pass through the
                   B lymphocytes, which pass into the underlying follicles.  capsule (Figure 8.9). Narrow trabeculae extend from the
                      Antigen-stimulated  B  lymphocytes  arriving in  the  capsule into the parenchyma, providing structural support
                   lymphoid follicle activate plasma cell precursors, which  for the node. Between the trabeculae is a three-dimensional

                   8.7  Structure of a lymph node with multiple afferent lymph vessels and a central efferent lymph vessel (sche-
                   matic). The insets provide an enlarged view of the cortex and medulla.

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