Page 174 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
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156  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   meshwork of  reticular fibres  and  reticular cells. The  Vessels and sinuses  spaces within the meshwork are filled with cells including   The function of lymph nodes is closely related to the
                   lymphocytes, plasma cells and macrophages (Figure 8.10).
                                                                  structure of the lymph vessels and their distribution in
                      Based on the differential distribution of these cells,  the cortex and medulla. After passing through the capsule,
                   lymph nodes are divided into regions designated as:  the afferent lymph vessels empty into an expanded sub-
                                                                  capsular sinus. This gives rise to sinuses (oriented towards
                     ·  an outer subcapsular cortex,              the centre of the node) that accompany connective tissue
                     ·  the paracortex (thymus-dependent region) and  trabeculae through the cortex (cortical or intermediate
                     ·  the inner medulla, composed of lymphoid cells and   sinuses). The cortical sinuses continue into an extensive
                       reticular tissue (Figures 8.7 and 8.8).    interconnected  network  of  chambers,  the  medullary
                                                                  sinuses. These converge to form efferent lymph vessels
                   The cortex consists largely of aggregations of primary and  that leave the node at the hilus (Figure 8.7).
                   secondary follicles containing inactive and activated B lym-  The  walls  of  the  sinuses are largely discontinu-
                   phocytes (Figures 8.7 to 8.11). Lying between and deep  ous, facilitating the passage of lymphoid cells into the
                   to the lymphoid follicles is the paracortex (parafollicular  parenchyma. The endothelial lining consists of modified
                   zone), in which T cells are concentrated.      reticular cells. Macrophages (part of the MPS) are present
                      Within the paracortex, the evenly distributed T cells  in the lumina of the sinuses. Antigens present in lymph can
                   are surrounded by interdigitating dendritic cells and  likewise traverse the sinus walls to reach the parenchyma,
                   high endothelial venules. Introduction of an antigen  where they interact with antigen presenting cells, leading
                   to a lymph node initiates T- and B-cell cooperation and  to T-cell and macrophage activation.
                   maturation. Activated B cells (along with some T cells)   Activated T lymphocytes convey information to other
                   migrate to the follicles where they undergo further matu-  lymphocytes within the follicles, triggering a cascade of
                   ration before passing to the medulla as antigen-secreting  cellular responses. In this process, the thymus-dependent

                   cells.                                         paracortex becomes enlarged and the germinal centres
                      The medulla contains connective tissue trabeculae  develop through the activation of B cells and formation of
                   through which numerous small blood vessels pass. The  plasma cells and memory cells. The lymph node increases
                   parenchyma consists of medullary cords (clusters of cells  in size. Activated plasma cells migrate into the medullary
                   including lymphocytes, plasma cells and macrophages)  sinuses where they release specific antibodies into the lymph.
                   separated by medullary lymph sinuses (see below). The
                   cords are reinforced by a reticular meshwork.    Species variation
                      Lymph nodes are involved in active filtration of lymph   Pig: The structure of the lymph nodes of the pig differs
                   before it returns to the circulating blood. Cells of the immune   from that of other mammals (Figure 8.9), the main dis-
                   system eliminate foreign and damaged endogenous cells via   tinction being the arrangement of the lymph vessels. In
                   innate and adaptive mechanisms. Mononuclear phagocytes   porcine lymph nodes, the afferent lymph vessels enter at
                   (macrophages) engulf cell debris, bacteria, viruses, toxins   the hilus and the efferent vessels leave the node through
                   and exogenous pigments. T and B cells are responsible for   the capsule.
                   cytotoxicity and specific antibody production.

                   8.11  Fine structure of the follicular corti-
                   cal zone of the lymph node (pig; x5000).

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