Page 162 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 162

144  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   7.13  Blood cells of a horse. Pappenheim stain (oil immersion, x1000).

                   Platelets (thrombocytes)                       20–30 μm), which has a round, often indented, nucleus
                   For blood to act as a transport medium, it is necessary for  and several nucleoli. Multiple endomitoses (replication
                   a precise balance to be maintained between blood coagula-  of chromosomes without nuclear division) occur within
                   tion and fibrinolysis. These regulatory mechanisms have  the megakaryoblast, forming a cell with a lobed, polyploid
                   an important role in guarding against disruption of hae-  nucleus (promegakaryocyte).
                   modynamics. Lesions of the blood vessel walls result in   These cells differentiate into megakaryocytes (diam-
                   vasoconstriction, initiation of clot formation and activation  eter 50–70 μm). The nucleus is highly lobulated, and the
                   of the coagulation cascade. Of primary importance in this  cytoplasm contains numerous ribosomes and azurophilic
                   process, in addition to plasma factors such as fibrinogen  granules. At maturity, megakaryocytes have abundant
                   (Factor I), prothrombin (Factor II), tissue thromboplastin  cytoplasm and a diameter of up to 100 μm, making them
                   (Factor III) and calcium (Factor IV) are cellular elements of   one of the largest individual cells in the body (Figure 7.14).
                   the blood referred to as platelets (thrombocytes).  Megakaryocytes exhibit pseudopodial extensions and
                                                                  deep invaginations of the plasma membrane. The latter
                   Development of platelets (thrombopoiesis)      extend into the cell and make contact with a dense net-
                   Thrombopoiesis is the formation of platelets in the red  work of membranes of the smooth ER and with vesicular
                   bone marrow (Figure 7.14). Differentiation of haemopoi-  inclusions. A three-dimensional  intracellular compart-
                   etic stem cells gives rise to the megakaryoblast (diameter  ment is formed, enclosing areas of cytoplasm containing

                   7.14  Thrombocytopoiesis (schematic).

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