Page 187 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 187

Endocrine system (systema endocrinum)   169

                  9.9  Thyroid follicle with adjacent capillaries and nerve fibres embedded in loose connective tissue (schematic).

                  9.10  Functional stages of the epithelium of the thyroid gland: hormone synthesis, storage and resorption/
                  secretion (schematic).

                   ·  Storage phase: large, plump, colloid-filled follicles,   The functional status and thus the morphology of the thy-
                      low epithelium, inactive (non-secretory) (Figure 9.10).  roid gland undergoes large fluctuations (seasonal factors,
                   ·  Resorption/hormone secreting phase: as liquid   reproductive cycle). Furthermore, at a given point in time,
                      colloid is taken up by follicular cells, the cells become   not all follicles exhibit the same functional characteristics.
                      taller, their nuclei occupy a basal position, colloidal
                      resorption droplets appear in the apical cytoplasm   Follicular cells (endocrinocytus follicularis)
                      and the adjacent colloid becomes interspersed with   In follicular cells exhibiting a cuboidal morphology, the
                      resorption vacuoles.                       nucleus is round, centrally located and euchromatic. The
                   ·  Synthetic phase: the follicles are small due to a   supranuclear Golgi fields enclose small secretory granules
                      reduction in colloid volume, and the cuboidal to   (50–200 μm) associated with the early stages of colloid
                      columnar epithelial cells release colloid into the fol-  production. Lysosomes and phagolysosomes are present.
                      licular lumen.                             The apical cell surface features microvilli and pseudopo-

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