Page 221 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
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Digestive system (apparatus digestorius)   203

                  neck                                              The parietal cell (exocrinocytus parietalis) is a rounded  mucous neck cells (mucocyti cervicales). Occurring indi-  between, or lies peripheral to, chief cells (Figures 10.32, 10.
                  The neck region contains parietal cells (see below) and  to pear-shaped, strongly acidophilic cell that is interposed

                  vidually or in groups, mucous neck cells differ in structure  33, 10.35 and 10.37). The nucleus is spherical. Parietal cells
                  and function to isthmus cells. Neck cells are cuboidal to  occur throughout the wall of tubular glands, particularly
                  low columnar and typically stain only weakly. The nucleus  in the middle section, and are characterised by the pres-
                  occupies a basal position and the accumulation of secre-  ence of abundant mitochondria containing particularly
                  tory granules causes the apical surface of the cell to bulge  numerous cristae. Tubulovesicular structures accumulate
                  into the lumen.                                beneath the plasmalemma during the inactive stage of the
                     The mucus produced by neck cells is  acidic, of  parietal cell.
                  relatively low viscosity and comparatively high in gly-  In addition, parietal cells contain a system of intracel-
                  cosaminoglycans. The layer formed by the combination  lular canaliculi (canaliculi intracellulares) that increases
                  of this mucus, and that produced by isthmus and surface  the surface area across which secretion can occur. During
                  cells, protects the epithelium against the proteolytic and  the active secretory phase, the number of microvilli lining
                  hydrolytic activity of the proteases and H  ions secreted  the canaliculi increases while the tubulovesicular system
                  by parietal cells (see below).                 regresses (Figure 10.35). Dissociated hydrochloric acid
                                                                 (H  and Cl ) is secreted into the canaliculi. Depending on
                  body and fundus                                species, parietal (and/or chief cells) also secrete intrinsic
                  The epithelial lining of the body and fundus of the proper  factor required for absorption of vitamin B .
                  gastric glands incorporates numerous exocrine chief cells   Intra-epithelial endocrine cells (endocrinocyti gas-
                  and parietal cells. Also present are endocrine cells of the  trointestinales) are found particularly in the middle and
                  enteroendocrine system of the gastrointestinal tract.  terminal sections of the gland. Together with endocrine
                     The chief cell (exocrinocytus principalis) is cuboidal  cells of the pylorus and small intestine, and endocrine
                  or pyramidal with slightly basophilic cytoplasm (Figures  cells of the pancreas, these cells belong to the gastroen-
                  10.32, 10.33 and 10.35). The oval nucleus is usually located  teropancreatic (GEP) endocrine system. Endocrine cells
                  in the basal third of the cell. Typical of cells with high  found in the region of the proper gastric glands include
                  secretory activity, chief cells are rich in organelles associ-  enterochromaffin (EC) cells (serotonin), D cells (somato-
                  ated with protein synthesis (ribosomes, rough ER). Chief  statin) and G cells (gastrin) (Figure 10.38, see also Figure
                  cells contain zymogen granules that, in the active secre-  2.22); their relative number varies with species.
                  tory phase, cause apical bulging of the cells. Chief cells
                  secrete pepsinogen, the precursor of pepsin.

                  10.33  Proper gastric (fundic) gland with chief cells and peripherally located parietal cells (dog). Haematoxylin
                  and eosin stain (x1200).

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