Page 218 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 218

200  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   10.30  Zone of transition from non-glandular oesophageal mucosa to the glandular mucosa of the cardiac
                   region of the stomach (dog). Goldner’s Masson trichrome stain (x13).

                   Table 10.2  Comparative structure of the glandular stomach of domestic mammals.
                    Region     Epithelium          Glands               Muscle              Special features
                    Cardiac    Simple columnar     Tubular, branched    Distinct lamina     Extensive in the pig,
                               epithelium, gastric   mucous glands      muscularis, tunica   smaller in the dog and
                               pits                (cardiac glands),    muscularis composed   horse
                                                   endocrine cells      of circular, longitudinal
                                                                        and oblique smooth
                                                                        muscle fibres, cardiac
                    Body (and   Simple columnar    Tubular glands with   Similar to cardiac   Light and dark zones
                    fundus in   epithelium, gastric pits  isthmus, mucous neck   region     are observed in the
                    carnivores)                    cells, chief and parietal                dog
                                                   cells (proper gastric
                                                   or fundic glands),
                                                   endocrine cells
                    Pyloric    Simple columnar     Short, branched and   Similar to cardiac   Torus pyloricus
                               epithelium, gastric pits  unbranched tubular   region, the middle   present in pigs and
                                                   mucous glands        layers of smooth    ruminants
                                                   (pyloric glands)     muscle form the
                                                   emptying into deep   pyloric sphincter
                                                   gastric pits, endocrine  (sphincter pylori)

                   mucous coating serves as an additional barrier by prevent-  lary networks surround the glands. Numerous autonomic
                   ing lysis of the epithelial layer by the acid gastric juice.  nerve fibres are also present, originating from ganglia
                   Compromise of this protective function affects the struc-  in the tela submucosa (plexus nervorum submucosus,
                   tural and functional integrity of the gastric mucosa.  Meissner’s plexus). The capillary networks and neural
                      The tubular gastric glands (glandulae gastricae) in  networks influence the secretory activity of the glands.
                   the lamina propria are surrounded by a delicate connec-  Isolated smooth muscle cells are found throughout
                   tive tissue network. Type I and type III collagen fibres and  the lamina propria, extending to just beneath the mucosal
                   elastic fibres form a meshwork containing large numbers  surface. These cells facilitate transport of secretions within
                   of immunologically active cells (lymphocytes, plasma cells,   the tubular glands and fine-tune the contractility of the
                   granulocytes and mast cells). In places, these cells cluster  tunica mucosa. They represent offshoots of the lamina
                   together to form diffuse lymphoid tissue and occasional  muscularis mucosae, the continuous layer of muscle that
                   lymphoid follicles may be observed (pig). Extensive capil-  forms the outermost portion of the mucosa.

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