Page 215 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 215

Digestive system (apparatus digestorius)   197

                  Table 10.1  Comparative histological structure of the wall of the oesophagus.  Epithelium  Glands                    Musculature               Special features

                   Domestic mammals
                   Stratified   Tubulo-acinar mucous or   Thin lamina muscularis    In the cat and horse, striated
                   squamous    mixed glands in the tela   mucosae (absent cranially in   muscle extends for most of
                   epithelium   submucosa – proximally in   the dog); inner circular and   length of oesophagus; in
                               most domestic mammals;     outer longitudinal layers in   dogs and ruminants, muscle
                               throughout the length of the  tunica muscularis, striated   is entirely striated; lymphoid
                               oesophagus in the dog      muscle cranially, smooth   follicles abundant in the
                                                          muscle caudally in most   submucosa in pigs
                                                          species; sphincter at entrance
                                                          to stomach
                   Stratified   Tubular in the rhea, alveolar   Tunica muscularis: inner   Oesophageal tonsils at distal
                   squamous    in owls, tubulo-acinar in   circular layer and outer   end of oesophagus; structure
                   epithelium  chickens                   longitudinal layer (lacking in   of wall of oesophagus
                                                          some species; refer to text)  extends into the crop

                     The tunica muscularis is composed of an inner circular
                  and an outer longitudinal layer. Muscle fibre bundles are   Ruminants: The lamina muscularis mucosae is pre-
                  predominantly arranged in elongated spirals that appear   sent throughout; submucosal glands are limited to the
                  oblique in histological section. The bundles spiral in oppo-  pharyngo-oesophageal region. The tunica muscularis
                  site directions, crossing over in some cases.    consists entirely of striated muscle (Figure 10.20).
                     Depending on species, the muscle is smooth and/or stri-  Horse: The lamina muscularis mucosae is present
                  ated. To accommodate the juxtaposition of different muscle   throughout. Submucosal glands are present only in
                  types, collagen networks within the endomysium of the stri-  the pharyngo-oesophageal region. To the level of the
                  ated muscle cells merge with elastic tendons. These reduce   root of the lung, the tunica muscularis consists of stri-
                  the strong tensile force exerted by this muscle type, and   ated muscle, gradually transitioning to smooth muscle
                  interconnect with other fibro-elastic networks. The outer   thereafter (Figures 10.20 and 10.21).
                  layer of the oesophagus comprises a tunica adventitia in the   Birds: The stratified epithelium varies considerably in
                  neck and a tunica serosa within the body cavities.
                                                                   thickness between avian species (Figures 10.24 to 10.26
                                                                   and Table 10.1). The lamina propria mucosae con-
                   Species variation                               tains numerous mucous glands that exhibit profound
                   Cat: A lamina muscularis mucosae is present through-  species-related structural variation. These may be
                   out the length of the oesophagus; glands are limited   tubular (e.g. rheas), alveolar (long-eared owls) or tub-
                   to the pharyngo-oesophageal region. Striated muscle   ulo-alveolar (e.g. chickens). Regardless of species, the
                   extends through to the distal third of the oesophagus   glandular epithelium is columnar. Lymphoid follicles
                   before becoming smooth.                         (tonsillae oesophagealis) are present at the gastric end
                                                                   of the oesophagus. In chickens, the tunica muscularis
                   Dog: The lamina muscularis mucosae appears in the distal
                   half of the oesophagus. Submucosal glands are present   consists of an inner circular and outer longitudinal layer
                   throughout. The tunica muscularis is composed entirely   of smooth muscle. In some species, the longitudinal
                   of striated muscle, smooth muscle only appearing at the   layer is lacking; the circular layer and lamina muscula-
                   entrance to the stomach (Figures 10.20 and 10.23).  ris mucosae are thickened in these birds. Shortly before
                                                                   passing into the body cavity, the oesophagus dilates to
                   Pig: The lamina muscularis mucosae appears in the dis-  form the crop. In granivorous birds, the crop can be
                   tal half of the oesophagus. Submucosal glands extend to   very large. The wall of the crop is similar in structure
                   beyond halfway along the oesophagus; throughout much   to the oesophagus (Figure 10.27). The mucous glands
                   of the oesophagus the tunica muscularis comprises stri-  of the crop (glandulae ingluviales) resemble oesopha-
                   ated muscle, becoming smooth near the pars cardiaca of   geal glands. They are located near the ‘crop channel’ in
                   the stomach. The ducts of the oesophageal glands are   chickens, and in the fundic region of the crop in pigeons.
                   commonly surrounded by lymphatic tissue (diffuse tissue   The histological differences in the structure of the
                   or lymphoid follicles) (Figures 10.20 and 10.22).  oesophagus are summarised in Table 10.1.

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