Page 210 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 210

192  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   and energy-producing mitochondria facilitates absorption  that these serous cells are in the same row as mucous cells,  of water and sodium ions, and excretion of potassium  and that the ‘demilune’ shape is a fixation artefact. Mucus-
                   into the duct lumen. Capillary networks surrounding the  secreting cells have a foamy basophilic cytoplasm and a
                   striated ducts participate in the reabsorption of fluid and  basal nucleus. The lumen is relatively large. Mucous glands
                   ions from the saliva. Striated ducts thus serve to thicken  contain fewer intercalated ducts and striated ducts, as
                   the saliva and regulate its electrolyte content.  mucus does not undergo modification in the duct system.

                   Mandibular salivary gland                      Sublingual salivary glands
                   In the horse, pig and ruminant, the tubulo-acinar man-  In domestic mammals, the sublingual gland (Figures 10.16
                   dibular gland is a mixed gland while in carnivores it is  and 10.17) is a compound tubulo-acinar mixed, predomi-
                   predominantly mucous (Figure 10.15). In the mixed form,  nantly mucous, gland.
                   serous and mucous cells frequently occur in the same
                   secretory unit, though separate serous and mixed units   Species variation
                   may be present. In mixed units, mucous cells appear to   Birds: Particularly in granivores, the salivary glands
                   be capped by serous demilunes. Recent findings suggest   play an important part in moistening food. The maxil-

                   10.16  Branched tubulo-acinar mixed sublingual gland (ox). Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x300).

                   10.17  Striated duct in a mixed sublingual gland (ox). Azan stain (x480).

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