Page 227 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
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Digestive system (apparatus digestorius)   209

                  Table 10.3  Comparative structure of the compartments of the ruminant forestomach and abomasum.  Compartment   Epithelium     Glands         Muscles                Special features

                                                                Lamina muscularis mucosae  Conical or elongated
                                                 No glands
                                  stratified                    absent, circular and   finger-like papillae,
                                  squamous                      longitudinal layers of   varying in length and
                                                                smooth muscle in tunica   morphology
                   Reticulum      Keratinised    No glands      Lamina muscularis      Presence of papillae on
                                  stratified                    mucosae present in upper  surface of crests
                                  squamous                      portion of the primary
                                                                reticular crests,
                                                                tunica muscularis is
                                                                weaker than in the
                   Omasum         Keratinised    No glands      Lamina muscularis      Prominent tunica
                                  stratified                    extends to varying degree  muscularis, fibres of
                                  squamous                      into the higher order (I–  circular layer extend into
                                                                III) omasal laminae    higher-order omasal
                   Abomasum       Simple         Cardiac, proper  Inner circular layer, outer
                                  columnar       gastric and    longitudinal layer
                                  epithelium,    pyloric glands
                                  gastric pits

                  RETICULUM                                         The smooth muscle comprises an inner circular and
                  The reticulum is characterised morphologically by reticu-  outer longitudinal layer. A tunica serosa forms the out-
                  lar crests (cristae reticuli) that form the four- to six-sided  ermost layer in the region facing the peritoneal cavity.
                  boundaries of reticular cells (cellulae reticuli) (Figures  Between the rumen and the spleen, a tunica adventitia
                  10.39 and 10.42). Secondary and tertiary crests further  is present.
                  divide the reticular cell into smaller chambers. Stratified   The mucosa of the rumen has important functions and
                  squamous epithelium lines the reticular crests. The sides of  is responsive to dietary factors. Within 4–5 weeks, a high-
                  the crests are studded with small conical papillae.  energy, low-cellulose diet induces growth of the papillae,
                     Originating from the oesophagus, a lamina muscularis is  proliferation of a thickened, non-keratinised epithelium
                  present in the upper portion of the primary crests. The mus-  and elaboration of the subepithelial capillary network. In
                  cle bundles surround each reticular cell and form networks  response to an energy-poor, high-fibre feed, the papillae
                  with those of adjacent cells. The lamina propria blends with-  become shorter and plump keratinised cells appear in the
                  out clear distinction with the tela submucosa. The tunica  epithelium. These changes reflect the adaptability of the
                  muscularis is composed of an inner circular and outer lon-  structural elements of the papillae and represent normal
                  gitudinal layer. Additional striated muscle fibres, remnants  processes occurring in wild ruminants due to seasonal
                  of the oesophageal musculature, radiate into the reticulum.  changes in diet. Comparable cycles of proliferation and
                  The outer layer of the reticulum comprises a tunica serosa.  regression are also observed in high-performance animals
                                                                 during the dry and subsequent lactation period.
                  RUMEN                                             The key determinant of functionally induced mor-
                  The rumen is distinguished by the presence of papil-  phological adaptations of the ruminal papillae is the
                  lae (papillae ruminis). These tongue-shaped structures  concentration of  short-chain fatty acids, particularly
                  (Figures 10.40, 10.42 and 10.43) vary considerably in form,  β-hydroxybutyric acid, in the forestomach. Fatty acids are
                  length, distribution and density. The surface of the rumen  formed in the rumen and in the ruminal epithelium by
                  is lined by non-glandular mucosa. The connective tissue  microbial (bacterial and protozoal) digestion of feedstuffs
                  of the lamina propria incorporates condensed layers of  containing carbohydrate. Numerous other substances are
                  collagen fibres and smooth muscle cells; a delicate subepi-  also produced by anaerobic fermentation in the rumen and
                  thelial capillary network is present. The tunica muscularis  reticulum, most of which are absorbed across the tunica
                  consists of smooth muscle, with some oesophageal skel-  mucosa. These include water, methane, carbon dioxide,
                  etal fibres extending into the ruminal atrium.  lactic acid, non-protein nitrogen compounds (ammonium

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