Page 259 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
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Respiratory system (apparatus respiratorius)   241

                  11.2  Nasal septum (calf). Respiratory epithelium (pseudostratified columnar) is ciliated and usually coated with
                  a thin layer of mucus. Subepithelial capillaries are abundant. Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x480).

                  of dividing and differentiating into other cell types. APUD   The  taut,  elastic  lamina  propria  contains  abundant
                  cells (amine and precursor uptake and decarboxylation cells)  blood vessels and nerve fibres as well as isolated serous
                  containing amino acid decarboxylases are also present.  glands. This layer is firmly connected to underlying muscle
                     A subepithelial fibro-elastic network anchors the epi-  or cartilage.
                  thelium firmly to underlying periosteum or cartilage. This   The lateral nasal gland (glandula nasalis lateralis)
                  layer contains glands, mostly of the seromucous type, as  empties  into  the  nasal  vestibule.  Its  secretory  product
                  well as a prominent vascular network incorporating capac-  serves to moisten the nasal openings.
                  itance veins. Isolated smooth muscle cells are also found in
                  this tissue. Depending on location, the outermost layer of   Species variation
                  the conducting airways is comprised of cartilage.  Birds: Pigeons lack a nasal gland. In most birds the
                     This basic structure is modified, according to function,   nasal gland consists of a lateral and medial lobe, each
                  in individual segments of the conducting system.  with a single duct.

                  Segments of the conducting airways               Dog: The lateral nasal gland is particularly well devel-
                  The conducting airways are composed of the:      oped in the dog. Its serous secretion passes into the
                                                                   nasal vestibule and moistens the nasal planum.
                   ·  nasal cavity (cavum nasi),                   Horse: The rostral portion of the nasal cavity and the nasal
                   ·  paranasal sinuses (sinus paranasales),       diverticulum (diverticulum nasi) are lined with hairy skin
                   ·  vomeronasal organ (organa vomeronasalia),    incorporating sebaceous glands and sweat glands.
                   ·  pharynx,
                   ·  larynx,
                   ·  trachea and                                Respiratory region
                   ·  bronchi and bronchioles.                   The respiratory region constitutes the major portion of the
                                                                 nasal cavity proper. In this region, the lumen of the nasal
                  Nasal cavity (cavum nasi)                      cavity is subdivided by the ectoturbinates and endoturbi-
                                                                 nates. The surfaces of the nasal conchae, nasal meatuses
                  Nasal vestibule                                and nasal septum are lined by respiratory epithelium.
                  The rostral portion of the nasal cavity, the nasal vesti-  The loose subepithelial connective tissue contains
                  bule (vestibulum nasi), is lined by stratified squamous  tubulo-acinar serous, mucous or mixed  glands  (nasal
                  epithelium. Initially, this is keratinised (cutaneous zone),  glands). These may occur individually or as groups, sepa-
                  becoming non-keratinised deeper in the vestibule. The  rated by lymphoid tissue (Figure 11.3). The respiratory
                  epithelium is usually pigmented and distinctly papillated.  mucosa is tightly bound to the underlying perichondrium
                  Caudally, the vestibular epithelium gradually reduces in  or periosteum.
                  height and transitions into respiratory epithelium of the   The vascular system of the respiratory mucosa, par-
                  nasal cavity proper.                           ticularly well developed in the dog and horse, incorporates

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