Page 261 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 261

Respiratory system (apparatus respiratorius)   243

                  The olfactory mucosa covers the ethmoturbinates, dorsal  secretory product of these cells has a cleansing function,  endoturbinates and part of the caudal segment of the nasal  facilitating the detection of subsequent olfactory stimuli.
                  septum. Modified bipolar neurons serve as neurosensory
                                                                   Species variation
                  cells that detect odours (Figure 11.4). Axons leave the basal
                  portion of the cell forming bundles that pass through the   Birds: The cranial portion of the nasal cavity (nasal
                  submucosa (see description of olfactory epithelium in   vestibule)  is lined with non-glandular mucosa.
                  Chapter 16, ‘Receptors and sense organs’).       Caudally, in the respiratory region, this transitions to a
                     The lamina propria houses branched tubulo-acinar   ciliated pseudostratified epithelium with secretory cells
                  olfactory glands (glandulae olfactoriae). The thin, watery   (Figures 11.8 and 11.9). This is continued in the olfac-
                  glandular secretion contains enzymes (proteases) that   tory region by olfactory epithelium. The histological
                  are important for breaking down odoriferous substances   structure of the epithelium differs little from that of
                  and binding them to neurosensory cells. In addition, the   mammals. Typically yellowish in colour, the olfactory

                  11.5  Vomeronasal organ (cat). The paired vomeronasal organ lies at the base of the osseous nasal septum.
                  Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x15).

                  11.6  Vomeronasal organ (calf). The interior of the vomeronasal organ is lined medially by olfactory mucosa and
                  laterally by respiratory mucosa. Glandular aggregates and expanded veins lie between the respiratory mucosa
                  and the external cartilage. The respiratory mucosa contains poorly myelinated subepithelial nerve fibre bundles.
                  Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x40).

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