Page 265 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 265

Respiratory system (apparatus respiratorius)   247

                  11.12  Trachea (young dog). Rings of hyaline cartilage form the structural framework of the trachea. The free
                  edges of the rings are open dorsally. The gap between these is bridged by connective tissue (paries membrana-
                  ceus) and the m. trachealis. In this section, the respiratory mucosa is folded. Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x50).

                                                                         11.13  Trachea (dog). The wall is lined by
                                                                         respiratory epithelium with goblet cells,
                                                                         resting on a layer of loose connective
                                                                         tissue containing glands. These layers are
                                                                         surrounded by the cartilage of the tracheal
                                                                         rings. Haematoxylin and eosin (x240).

                  housing small vessels and nerves. Between this meshwork  on its internal surface by smooth muscle (m. trachealis). In
                  and the epithelium is a layer of densely woven longitudi-  carnivores the muscle is external to the paries membrana-
                  nally oriented elastic fibres.                 ceus (Figure 11.12). The tunica adventitia surrounding the
                     Solitary tubulo-acinar  tracheal glands  (glandulae  tracheal cartilages is fibro-elastic, facilitating movement of
                  tracheales)  are located within the lamina propria and  the trachea with respect to adjacent tissues.
                  submucosa. The epithelial cells of the tubular portion
                  mainly produce a mucous secretion rich in acid glycopro-  Species variation
                  teins, whereas the glycoproteinaceous secretions of the   Birds: The tracheal mucosa is lined with ciliated pseu-
                  acinar end-pieces are neutral and serous. The glands fre-  dostratified epithelium with columnar cells, narrow
                  quently protrude between the cartilaginous tracheal rings,   basal cells and mucus-producing goblet cells (Figure
                  sometimes reaching the tunica adventitia. The cuboidal   11.14). Serving as small endo-epithelial glands, the goblet
                  epithelium of the excretory ducts is surrounded by smooth   cells form small, crypt-like depressions (mucous crypts).
                  muscle cells. In domestic mammals, tracheal glands are   The lamina propria underlying the epithelium contains
                  found particularly in the proximal portion of the trachea.  mucous glands, lymphoid follicles and diffuse lymphoid
                     The semi-flexible status of the trachea results from rings   tissue. Bands of muscle (mm. tracheales) pass along the
                  of hyaline cartilage that encircle the tracheal mucosa. These   exterior of the trachea. The tracheal rings are complete.
                  are developed to a varying degree, depending on species.   The syrinx is located at the level of the bifurcation
                  The surface of the tracheal cartilages is lined with perichon-  of the trachea into the primary bronchi. In the chicken,
                  drium. In the spaces between the rings, the perichondrium   the last four tracheal rings are considered to be part of
                  continues as the fibro-elastic annular ligaments (ligamenta   the syrinx. The subsequent rings are no longer com-
                  anularia). Dorsally, the tracheal rings are usually incomplete.   plete. Instead, they are joined at one or both ends to a
                  The free ends of the cartilage are joined by a tough elastic   median bridge known as the pessulus. Extending crani-
                  connective tissue membrane (paries membranaceus), lined   ally from the pessulus is a mucosal fold, the membrana

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