Page 267 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 267

Respiratory system (apparatus respiratorius)   249

     bronchiole                                                            v. pulmonalis

                     a. bronchialis

                     a. pulmonalis
                      with alveoli

                         Alveolus                                                            Alveolar capillaries

                                                                               Alveolar duct
                                                                               Inter-alveolar septum


                  11.15  Peripheral bronchial tree with alveoli and vascular supply (schematic).

                  11.16  Wall of bronchus (schematic).

                     Mixed bronchial glands  (glandulae bronchiales)   The  lamina propria  contains abundant connective
                  are present in the lamina propria and in the submucosa.  tissue composed mainly of collagen, but also  elastic
                  These produce a watery, serous secretion rich in protein-  fibres. Blood vessels, lymph vessels, nerves and solitary
                  and glycoprotein-containing mucus. Within the lumen of  lymphoid follicles are also present. Externally adjacent to
                  the bronchi, proteinaceous serum components, immu-  the lamina propria is a layer of smooth muscle (Figure
                  noglobulin A, lactoferrin and glycoproteins are added.  11.16). Proximally, the orientation of the muscle is cir-
                  These substances aid in protecting the epithelial cells by  cular, transitioning into a spiral lattice in the smaller
                  preventing attachment of viruses and bacteria to the epi-  bronchi. The muscle fibres conform to the alignment of
                  thelium or by a direct bacteriostatic effect.  the elastic fibres. The mucosa often appears folded due to

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