Page 266 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 266

248  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                                                                             11.14  Trachea (chicken). Haematoxylin
                                                                             and eosin stain (x70).

                     semilunaris. Together, the cartilaginous components of   The intra-pulmonary segments of the conducting
                     the syrinx form the tympanum. Left and right lateral   airways, the bronchi and bronchioles, represent approxi-
                     tympaniform membranes (membrana tympaniformis   mately 6% of the volume of the lung. Over 85% of lung
                     lateralis) extend from the tympanum to the lateral side   volume is formed by the respiratory parenchyma – the
                     of the bronchial cartilages. Paired medial tympaniform   respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs and
                     membranes (membrana tympaniformis medialis) pass   alveoli.
                     from the pessulus to the (incomplete) medial aspect of   The lung is enclosed by the visceral pleura (pleura
                     the bronchial cartilages. Elastic connective tissue pads   visceralis), composed of a single layer of squamous to
                     termed labia project from the membranes into the   cuboidal mesothelial cells and a variably thick layer of col-
                     lumen of the syrinx. During phonation, the membranes   lagen and elastic fibres. Connective tissue septa extend from
                     and labia function in a similar manner to the vocal folds   the pleura into the lung. This interstitial connective tissue
                     of the mammalian larynx. Syringeal muscles are pre-  (interstitium) divides the lobes of the lung into lobules.
                     sent in song birds and absent in domestic poultry.  Intra-pulmonary vessels and nerves accompanying the con-
                                                                  nective tissue septa account for around 10% of lung volume.
                   Lung (pulmo)
                   At the tracheal bifurcation, the trachea divides into two   Species variation
                   primary bronchi  (bronchi principales).  The primary   Ruminants and pig: The pulmonary interstitial tissue
                   bronchi branch to form the intra-pulmonary lobar bron-  is prominent.
                   chi (bronchi lobares).                           Horse and carnivores: The pulmonary interstitium is
                      The lobar bronchi typically divide into two further   relatively sparse.
                   branches, each of which divides again (into bronchi seg-
                   mentale and subsegmentales). This dichotomous process
                   of division continues, accompanied by a decrease in the  Bronchi
                   diameter of the airway, until the small bronchioles (bron-  The main differences in the structure of the bronchi (bron-
                   chioli veri)  are formed. The small bronchioles divide  chi principales, lobares, segmentales and subsegmentales),
                   extensively, giving rise to the terminal bronchioles (bron-  compared with the trachea, are the shape of the cartilagi-
                   chioli terminales). These represent the final portion of  nous elements and the arrangement of the smooth muscle
                   the conducting component of the respiratory system,  fibres (Figures 11.16 to 11.19). From innermost to outer-
                   which is continued by the respiratory portion (region of  most, the bronchi consist of the following components:
                   gas exchange) (Figure 11.15).
                      The respiratory portion commences with the appear-  ·  respiratory epithelium,
                   ance of the first sac-like evaginations (alveoli) in the wall   ·  lamina propria with mixed glands (bronchial glands),
                   of the respiratory bronchioles (bronchioli respiratorii   ·  elastic fibre network and smooth muscle layer and
                   or alveolares). Further divisions result in the formation   ·  rings of hyaline cartilage with associated elastic
                   of narrow tubular airways termed alveolar ducts (duc-  fibres.
                   tus alveolares). The walls of the alveolar ducts consist of
                   adjacent alveolar openings. The alveolar ducts open into  Distally, the height of the respiratory epithelium lining
                   alveolar sacs (sacculi alveolares) (Figure 11.16).  the bronchial lumen gradually decreases (Figure 11.18).

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