Page 368 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 368

350  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   16.5  Taste buds in the wall of foliate papillae at the base of the tongue (horse). Azan stain (x250).

                   16.6  Taste bud (schematic).

                   extend from the basal lamina to a small taste pore at the  from the luminal surface of the sensory cells serve as the
                   surface of the epithelium. Within the taste pore, dissolved  site of excitation. Basolaterally, the receptor cells synapse
                   substances stimulate chemoreceptors on sensory cells in  with axons that constitute the initial fibres of the gustatory
                   the taste bud (see below). Numerous (up to 50) free nerve  neural pathway. Sensory cells can be distinguished with the
                   endings located at the basolateral aspect of the taste bud  light microscope. They are rich in organelles.
                   direct the stimulus to the central nervous system. The   Supporting cells also extend through the full thickness
                   lifespan of taste bud cells is approximately 10 days. They  of the epithelium. These contain abundant enzyme-
                   are replaced by basal cells (see below).       forming organelles and a dense ER. Glycosaminoglycans
                      The cell types found in taste buds are comprised of:  synthesised by supporting cells are released into the
                                                                  taste pore to facilitate taste perception. Supporting cells
                     ·  sensory cells,                            are thought to be capable of differentiating into sensory
                     ·  supporting (sustentacular) cells and      cells.
                     ·  basal cells.                                 Basal cells  are undifferentiated cells that undergo
                                                                  mitotic division to provide continuous replacement of
                   The pillar-like sensory cells (chemoreceptor cells) are  sensory and supporting cells. They have relatively few
                   situated between sustentacular cells. Microvilli extending  organelles and are situated around the nerve fibres.

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