Page 369 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 369

Receptors and sense organs (organa sensuum)   351

                     In some regions, the lamina propria mucosae contains  scribed areas of the nasal mucosa and in the vomeronasal  serous, tubulo-acinar glands (gustatory glands). The  organ.
                                                                    The olfactory epithelium is pseudostratified and con-
                  secretory product empties via excretory ducts into the
                  sulcus of vallate papillae and sometimes into the spaces  tains three cell types:
                  between foliate papillae. The watery secretion rinses the
                  taste buds, permitting the detection of new stimuli. The   ·  neurosensory cells,
                  number of glands increases with the number of taste buds.  ·  supporting cells and
                                                                   ·  basal cells.
                  Olfactory organs (organa olfactus)
                  In animals, the olfactory sense plays an important role  The perikarya of the neurosensory cells (bipolar neu-
                  in acquisition of food, identification of conspecifics and  rons) are located in the epithelium, the cell nuclei lying
                  sexual behaviour. Domestic mammals are considered  approximately at mid-epithelial level. The cells are pear- to
                  macro-osmatic animals (those with highly developed  bottle-shaped and are flanked by supporting cells. At the
                  organs of smell). Olfactory stimuli are detected in the  epithelial surface, the dendritic process of the neurosen-
                  olfactory mucosa (tunica mucosa olfactoria). The mucosa  sory cell ends in a club-shaped expansion (dendritic bulb)
                  is composed of the  olfactory epithelium  (epithelium  (Figure 16.9). A number of cilia (generally 8–20, consid-
                  olfactorium) and underlying lamina propria mucosae.  erably more in the dog) extend from the surface of the
                     The olfactory epithelium contains several cell types. Of  dendritic bulb.
                  primary importance for olfaction are the bipolar neurons   Chemoreceptors for odorant substances are located
                  (neurosensory cells) (Figures 16.7 to 16.10). The olfac-  on the ciliary membrane. The cilia consist of a thick ini-
                  tory chemoreceptors lie on the surface of the sensory cell  tial portion with a typical tubular ultrastructure (9×2+2
                  (see below). Olfactory epithelium is present in circum-  pattern) and a distal portion containing only two micro-

                  16.7  Olfactory epithelium (goat). Preparation according to Bodian (x480).

                  16.8  Olfactory epithelium (calf). Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x480).

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