Page 370 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 370

352  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   16.9  Olfactory epithelium (schematic).

                   16.10  Fine structure of the dendritic bulb on the free surface of a neurosensory cell of the olfactory mucosa
                   (ruminant; x14,000).

                   tubules. These cellular processes (50–100 μm) are bathed  aspect of the cell body and penetrates the basal lamina.
                   in a layer of thin mucus that is secreted in part by the   Axons combine to form bundles of myelinated nerve fibres
                   supporting cells (see below), and to a greater extent by  (fila olfactoria) that course to the lamina cribrosa of the
                   glands of the olfactory mucosa. Odoriferous chemicals  ethmoid bone, terminating in the olfactory bulb at the
                   diffuse into the mucous layer and interact with chemo-  olfactory glomerulus.
                   receptors on the ciliary membrane. The resulting action   Supporting cells extend from the basal lamina to the
                   potential is transmitted across the perikaryon to the effer-  epithelial surface. Numerous irregularly branching micro-
                   ent arm of the axon. The axon extends from the basal  villi project from the surface of the cell. In the olfactory

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