Page 266 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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238  Box B11  Learning and  ognition in Birds  Smirnova, A., Zorina, Z., Obozova, T., and   Weir, A.A., Chappell, J., and Kacelnik, A.
              Wasserman, E. (2015). Crows spontaneously
                                                       (2002). Shaping of hooks in New Caledonian
              exhibit analogical reasoning. Current
                                                       crows. Science 297: 981.
              Biology 25: 256–260.                   Wiltschko, R. and Wiltschko, W. (2003). Avian
            Vaughan, W. and Greene, S.L. (1984). Pigeon   navigation: from historical to modern
              visual memory capacity. Journal of       concepts. Animal Behaviour 65: 257–272.
              Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior
              Processes 10: 256–271.
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