Page 92 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 92

64  4  Choosing the Right Method: Reinforcement vs Punishment                                        7)  Negative reinforcement or negative punish-
                                                       ment may be employed if absolutely
                                                       needed: when unwanted behaviour per-
                                                       sists, review previous steps in the hierar-
                                                       chy and ensure that a positive alternative
                                                       hasn’t  been  overlooked,  then  use  the
                                                       method (negative reinforcement or nega-
                                                       tive punishment) that will likely achieve
                                                       the desired result with the least fallout.
                                                     8)  Use positive punishment as a last resort: if
                                                       all  else  has  failed,  is  impractical  or  is
                                                       impossible and the undesirable behaviour
                                                       must be stopped, apply a carefully
            Figure 4.4  An example of how training animals in   thought‐out positive punishment.
            zoos can facilitate preventative and proactive
            veterinary care; here a bear has been trained for   This hierarchy is not absolute, it is a guide.
            venepuncture whilst it stays in its enclosure. Source:   The wise application of these rules must be
            Steve Martin.                            accompanied with skill and knowledge to
                                                     assess when moving down the ladder is
               training meets one of these goals and does   required.
               not compromise the animal’s welfare:
               a)  physical exercise  –  gives the animal
                 appropriate physical exercise;
               b)  mental stimulation – provides appro-  4.9   Concluding Thoughts
                 priate mental stimulation;          and Considerations
               c)  leads to cooperative behaviour – con-
                 tributes to the safe management and   No matter the rhetoric or discussion regard-
                 care of the animal (medical behav-  ing training methods used, it is unlikely that
                 iours, taking medication or vitamins,   many professional trainers are purely all pun-
                 shifting, etc.).                    ishment based or all reinforcement based.
            3)  Set the environment up for success: before   Trainers must use a mix of methods to be
               embarking on a complex training plan,   effective  and  successful  trainers.  But  not
               ensure the environment has been set up   every method is equal nor is any method
               to make it easy for the animal to succeed   always effective!
               in meeting desired behavioural goals.  Positive reinforcement training has become
            4)  Use positive reinforcement: once it is deter-  widespread because it has shown great effec-
               mined that training is desired, search for   tiveness and success in achieving the needed
               the best way to accomplish the goals using   goals in the modern zoo as well as in the mod-
               positive reinforcement. Remembering   ern domestic animal training world. Much of
               that  the  best  reinforcement  varies  from   the challenge when choosing the right meth-
               individual to individual and from situation   ods is mired in the confusion of terminology
               to situation.                         where the scientific meaning of reinforce-
            5)  Use redirection: if the animal is exhibiting   ment and punishment differs so greatly from
               unwanted behaviour, teach  it something   the  general  public’s  understanding  of  these
               to do that is acceptable and will earn it   terms. Additionally, those who want to train
               reinforcement.                        animals are challenged with developing the
            6)  Extinction may be used in conjunction with   mechanical skills to apply the methods prop-
               other tools: if there is unacceptable behav-  erly and with the correct intensity. Finally, in
               iour, look for reinforcers that are strengthen-  animal training it is not possible to separate
               ing or maintaining that unwanted behaviour   ethics and animal welfare from the equation
               and try to remove or withhold them.   when choosing the appropriate tools to use.
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