Page 93 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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References 65 These considerations are required to make tions have demonstrated, can the available
options be compared and the appropriate
good choices and highlight the importance
for all training programmes to have skilled
gramme be made. It is clear, starting a train-
leadership in the areas of behaviour, training, choices for their animals and their pro-
and enrichment and for programmes to have ing programme using positive reinforcement
clear goals and guidelines to assist staff in is the most practical and effective approach.
making an informed decision. Applying other types of training methods,
No one training animals should make any requires skill and a deeper understanding of
training decision without being fully the science, practical considerations, and
informed, and knowledgeable of the mecha- ethics in each situation. The skilled trainer
nisms that are at work when animals learn should find that the need to purposely use
(animal learning theory, see Chapter 1). Only punishment in training is rare, but having full
through a thorough knowledge of learning knowledge about the use of punishment and
theory as underpinned by scientific research reinforcement will always be critically impor-
and an awareness of what practical applica- tant in making an informed decision.
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Vision, And Values. californianus) to decrease aggression.
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Chance, P. (2009). Learning and Behavior, 6e. Statement.
Thomas Wadsworth: Belmont, CA. IMATA (2019). The International Marine
Flora, S.R. (2004). The Power of Reinforcement, Animal Trainers Association Mission
195–197. Alnamy, NY: State University of Statement and Values. http://www.imata.
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