Page 161 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 161

CHAPTER                                                                  26

                                                                Modified Forssell's Operation for Cribbing

                                                                                                                     David A.  Wilson

                          INDICATIONS                                                                                                                POSITIONING AND  PREPARATION

                          The primary indication for this procedure  is mod-                                                                         This  procedure is best performed under  general

                          ification  of  cribbing  behavior  when  nonsurgical                                                                        anesthesia  with  the  horse  in  dorsal  recumbency

                          methods  fail.                                                                                                              and  the head extended;  however, with  experience,

                                                                                                                                                      it  can  be  accomplished  in  the  standing  sedated

                                                                                                                                                      horse  with local  anesthesia.  Transecting  the ster-

                                                                                                                                                      nohyoideus  at the attachment  to  the  hyoid  appa-

                                                                                                                                                      ratus  is difficult in the standing  horse. The ventral

                           EQUIPMENT                                                                                                                  cervical region  is clipped and prepared for aseptic


                           Large Rochester-Carmalt,  straight  Rochester-Pean

                           or  angiotribe  forceps,  and  a  Penrose  drain  are

                           used for this procedure.  An Nd:YAG or diode laser

                           may be  used to  transect  muscle.1

                                                                                                                                                      A 30-cm  ventral  midline  incision  is made  starting

                                                                                                                                                       2  cm  rostral  to  the  larynx  at  the  basihyoid  bone

                                                                                                                                                       and  extending  caudally  (Figure  26-1).  The  skin

                           ANATOMY                                                                                                                     is  retracted  laterally, and hemostasis  is  achieved

                                                                                                                                                       as  needed  in  the  subcutaneous  tissue.  A  plane

                           The ventral  branch of the accessory nerve  ( CNXI)                                                                         of dissection  is established  between  the  ornohy-

                            is  located  on the  dorsomedial aspect  of the ster-                                                                      oideus  and sternomandibularis muscles to expose

                            nomandibularis  and  enters the muscle about  5 cn1                                                                        the  medial  aspect  of  sternomandibularis  5  cm

                            from  the musculotendinous junction.  The paired                                                                           caudal muscles to the musculotendinous  junction.

                            sternothyrohyoideus  muscles  lie  011  the  ventral                                                                       The sternomandibularis muscle is gently retracted

                            aspect  of the trachea.  The  tendon of insertion of                                                                       and  rolled  slightly  abaxial  to  expose  the  dorsal

                            the  sternothyroideus  muscle  is  on  the  caudal                                                                         medial  aspect. The nerve  can be  located  by palpa-

                            border  and abaxial surface of the thyroid  cartilage                                                                      tion  of a  slight  indentation  in  the  musculature

                            (see Figure 25-2).  The larger sternohyoideus  mus-                                                                        where the nerve  enters  or by identifying  the nerve

                            cle continues  on  midline  to insert on  the basihy-                                                                      just  caudal  and  ventral  to  a small  arterial branch

                            oid bone.  The paired  omohyoideus muscle merges                                                                            supplying  the sternomandibularis  muscle  (Figures

                            with  the sternohyoideus  muscle  in  the  proximal                                                                         26-2 through  26-4). In most  cases, a small amount

                            third of the  neck  (see Figures 23-2  to  23-5).                                                                           of fascia  will need  to  be  dissected  from  the ster-

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