Page 157 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 157

Dorsal  Displacement  of the Soft Palate                                                  153

                                 Staphylectomy  is  often  used  in  conjunction                                                                      POSTOPERATIVE CARE

                          with  sternothyrohyoideus                                   myectomy.  A  compos-

                          ite  procedure  has  been  described  that  includes  a

                          ventriculectomy  in  addition  to  myectomy  and                                                                               Postogerativ-e Care {or Myedomy  and

                          partial  staphylectomy.18  Staphylectomy  has  also                                                                          .. Jfenedomy  Procedures

                          been  used  in  conjunction  with  epiglottic  aug-

                                                                                                                                                         Exercise  Restridions:  The  horse  should  be
                           mentation for  cases of flaccid epiglottis.16                                                                                  rested in a stall for  at least  1  week with  controlled

                                 An  alternative  combination  procedure  has                                                                             handwalking followed  by return to  normal  exercise

                           been  described  and  reviewed  that  combines  a                                                                              over the  next  2 to  3 weeks.

                           sternothyroideus  myectomy, small staphylectomy,                                                                               Medications:  Perioperative  therapy  may consist

                           and  caudal  soft  palate  photothermoplasty.19  The                                                                           of  antibiotics  and  nonsteroidal  antiinflammatory

                           procedure  is performed through  a typical  laryn-                                                                             drugs. These generally  do  not need to  be contin-

                           gotomy  approach.  Prior  to  penetrating                                                              the                     ued  beyond  the  first  postoperative  day  unless  a

                            cricothyroid  membrane,  both  caudal  margins  of                                                                            drain  is  in  place.

                           the  thyroid  cartilage  are  exposed  and  the  ster-                                                                         Suture  Removal:  The  sutures  are  removed  in

                            nothyroideus  muscles  are  transected  at  their                                                                              1 O  to  14 days.

                            musculotendinous                             junctions.  The  cricothyroid                                                     Other: A  towel  stent  or  neck  bandage  may  be

                            membrane  is then incised  to expose the laryngeal                                                                             applied  over the  incision  site and  maintained  for
                                                                                                                                                           2 to  4 days after surgery (Figure 25-13). The stent
                            lumen.  The  caudal  free edge  of the  soft palate  is                                                                        or  bandage  protects  the  wound  and  provides

                            grasped  with Allis tissue  forceps,  and  a C02 laser                                                                         counterpressure  to the  wound  to  reduce  edema,

                            is  used  (at  a power  setting  of 35 W and  focused                                                                          hematoma,  and  seroma  formation.  The  Penrose

                            spot size of 0.22  mm) to  make  several  lines  in  a                                                                         drain  should  be  removed  in  2  to  3 days.

                             sweeping  motion through the oral mucosa  of the

                             soft  palate,  parallel  to  and extending  rostral  4 to

                             5  cm  from  the  caudal  free  margin  of the palate.

                             A small  ( 4 mm x 8 mm),  semicircular  section  of

                             tissue is then sharply  resected from the caudal free

                             margin of the soft palate.  The  cricothyroid  mem-

                             brane  is closed  with  polyglactin  910  in  a simple

                              continuous  pattern.  The remaining  layers are left

                             to heal by second  intention.                                                                                                                                              0

                                    Laser  ablation  of the  caudal  aspect  of the soft

                              palate  can  also  be  performed  i11  the  standing

                              sedated horse  using the Nd:YAG or diode  laser or

                              electrocautery  with endoscopic  visualization  in an

                              attempt to  increase  the  rigidity  of the palate.  To

                              perform the procedure  effectively, the palate  must

                              be  displaced  during  the  procedure.  Maintaining

                               this position can  be  difficult  due  to  swallowing,

                                                                                                                                                                                                      I       ))  J..  ..
                               etc., in the conscious  horse.17                                                                                                                                       I  I   \


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                                Tie-Forward  Procedure                                                                                                                                                 I   I    ~L                                  ,,~

                               A tie-forward  procedure  has  also been  described                                                                                                                     '   \                                       'u

                               in  which  a  suture  is  placed  from  the  basihyoid                                                                                                                             ~                                   ~

                               bone to  each  wing  of the thyroid  cartilage  at the                                                                                                                                                              )j~

                                insertion site of the sternothyroideus  muscle.i':"

                                This  suture  maintains  the larynx  in  a rostral  and                                                                    Figure  25-13                       Towel stent  sutured  in  position  for

                                slightly more  dorsal  position.  Therefore,  instead                                                                      sternohyoideus myectomy, sternothyroideus  tenectomy

                                of preventing  caudal  retraction  of the  larynx  by                                                                      for either  DDSP or modified  Forssell's procedure.  The

                                means  of the myotomy-tenotomy  procedures,  the                                                                            stent is applied to protect the incision and to apply pres-

                                 "tie-forward»  procedure maintains the larynx  in a                                                                        sure  to  the  incision  site  to  minimize  postoperative

                                                                                                                                                            hematoma  or seroma  formation.
                                 fixed cranial position.
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