Page 244 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 244

240                       FEMALE  UROGENITAL  SURGERIES



                                                                                                                                                      Figure 43-10  Appearance  of the surgical  area  after

                                                                                                                                                      a  longitudinal  rnidline  incision  is  made  through  the

                                                                                                                                                      vaginal  shelf.

                           Figure  43-9  After  dissection,  the  rectal  fistula  is

                           transversely  closed  and  the  vaginal  fistula  is longitudi-

                           nally  closed  using  an  interrupted  Lembert  pattern.

                           Suture  preplacement  should  begin  in the  lateral  and

                           cranial  aspects,  respectively, of each fistula. Submucosal

                           tissue  surrounding  and  caudal  to  the  fistula  is  closed

                           using  a  simple  interrupted  pattern.  The  perineal  skin

                           incision  can be  left  to heal  by second  intention  or pri-                                                                                                                        I::  ?G:;j

                           marily  closed  using  a simple  interrupted  pattern.                                                                                                                     ------11

                           mately  2 to  3  cm from  the  underlying  tissue  sur-

                           rounding  the  fistula.

                                  A  longitudinal  midline  incision  is  made

                           through the vaginal shelf from  the fistula caudally

                            to the exterior  (Figure 43-10). The vaginal mucosa

                            is inverted  toward  the  vaginal  lumen  with  No.  0

                            absorbable  suture  using  a  Connell  pattern.  This

                            suture  pattern  is  continued  caudally  to  recon-                                                                                                                                                            ~,

                            struct the  cranial  half  of the  defect  and then tied                                                                                                                                                   ~==d 'f

                            but not cut. If desired, the rectal mucosa  is trans-

                            versely apposed  from  the  vaginal  side with  No.  0                                                                                                                                                               !~

                            absorbable  suture  using  a  Connell  pattern  from

                            the  vaginal  side.  The  rectovaginal  shelf  is  closed

                            with  No.  1  absorbable  suture  using  a  six-bite

                            purse-string  pattern.  Successive bites  are taken  in                                                                    Figure 43-11  Vaginal mucosa  inversion  towards  the

                            the  rectal  submucosa,  lateral  perivaginal  tissue,                                                                     vaginal lumen  using a Connell  pattern.  A six-bite purse-

                            and vaginal submucosa  on each side with the knot                                                                          string  pattern is used to  close and eliminate  dead  space

                            tied  deep  to  the  rectal  mucosa  (Figure  43-11).                                                                      between  the rectal  and  vaginal  shelves .

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