Page 75 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
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Annular Ligament  Desmotomy                                                   71

                     closed  technique.  The use of the  open  technique                                                                         and  under  ultrasound  guidance,  creating  partial-

                     increases  the  risk  of  complications,  but  with                                                                         thickness incisions  in the hypoechoic regions  with

                      appropriate  postoperative  care  and  monitoring,                                                                         a No.  11  blade.

                      complications  are not  common.

                                                                                                                                                 Endoscopc Transection

                      ALTERNATIVE PROCEDURES                                                                                                     Endoscopy  of  the  digital  sheath  with  guided

                                                                                                                                                 transection  of the annular ligament has also been

                      Extrasynovial Transection                                                                                                  described'"  and  offers an improved  prognosis for

                                                                                                                                                 horses  with  digital  sheath  pathology.

                      Performance  of an  annular ligament  desmotomy

                      without  entering  the  tendon  sheath  has·  been                                                                         REFERENCES

                      described.4The  technique relies on the presence of

                      a small extrasynovial space between  the SDFT and                                                                           1.  Adams SB,  Fessler  JF:  Palrnar-plantar  annular  liga-

                      the palmar annular ligament. A 2-cm  skin incision                                                                               ment division. In Adams SB, Fessler JF, editors:  Atlas

                      is  centered  between  the  proximal  border  of                                                                                 of equine  surgery, Philadelphia,  2000, WB Saunders.

                      the  annular  ligament  and the ergot  on  palmar  or                                                                      2.  Turner  AS,  Mcllwraith  CW:  Sectioning  of  the

                      plantar  midline.  Sharp  dissection  is  continued                                                                              palmar or  plantar  annular ligament  of the  fetlock.

                      through  the subcutaneous  tissues  until the trans-                                                                             In Turner  AS,  Mcilwraith  CW, editors:  Techniques

                      verse fibers of the annular  ligament are identified.                                                                             in  large animal  surgery.  Philadelphia,  1989,  Lea  &

                      Careful  sharp  dissection  is continued  through  the                                                                            Febiger.

                      annular  ligament  until  the  division  between  the                                                                       3.  Gaughan  EM,  Nixon  AJ,  Krock LP, et  al:  Effects of

                      annular  ligament  and  longitudinal  fibers  of                                                                                  sodium  hyaluronate  on  tendon  healing  and  adhe-

                                                                                                                                                        sion formation  in horses, Am J Vet Res 52:764,  1991.
                      the  SDFT  is  identified  through  a  5-mm  incision                                                                       4.  Hawkins                   DL,           Churchill                EA:  Extrasynovial

                      in the annular  ligament.  Curved Kelly forceps  are                                                                              palmar/plantar  annular  ligament  desrnotomy, Proc

                      directed  through  the incision  in the  annular  liga-                                                                          Am  Assoc Equine  Prac 44:210,  1998.

                      ment to  identify  the  dissection  plane.  The  Kelly                                                                      5.  McGhee  JD,  White  NA,  Goodrich  LR:  Primary

                      forceps  are  opened  several  millimeters  and  a                                                                                desmitis  of the  palmar  and  plantar  annular  liga-

                      No.  15  blade  is  used  to incise  the ligament.  The                                                                           ments in horses:  25  cases (1990-2003),  J Am Vet Med

                      forceps are advanced distally and then turned  and                                                                                Assoc 226:83,  2005.

                       advanced proximally to allow complete  incision of                                                                         6.  Fortier  LA,  Nixon  AJ,  Ducharme  NG,  et  al:  Teno-

                      the  ligament.  In  most  cases,  the  palmar  axial                                                                              scopic  examination  and  proximal annular ligament

                       attachment  of the  flexor  sheath  to the  SDFT  on                                                                             desmotomy for treatment of equine  complex digital

                       either  side  of midline can  be  seen  i11 the  surgical                                                                        sheath  tenosynovitis, Vet Surg 28:429,  1999.

                                                                                                                                                  7.  Nixon  AJ,  Same  AE,  Ducharme  NG:  Endoscopic
                                                                                                                                                        assisted  annular ligament release in horses,  Vet Sur._g

                                                                                                                                                        22:501,  1993.

                       Desmoplasty                                                                                                                8.  Wilderjans  H,  Boussauw  B,  Madder  K,  et  al:

                                                                                                                                                        Tenosynovitis of the digital flexor tendon sheath and

                       Desmoplasty  of  the  annular  ligament  has  been                                                                               annular ligament constriction  syndrome  caused  by

                       described  in four  horses with primary annular lig-                                                                             longitudinal tears in tl1e deep  digital flexor tendon:

                       ament  desmitis.5  The procedure  involves identify-                                                                             a clinical and  surgical report  of 17  cases in Warm-

                       ing  hypoechoic  lesions  i11  the  annular  ligament                                                                            blood  horses,  Equine  Vet J 35:270,  2003.
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