Page 78 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 78

7 4                        LIMB SURGERIES


                                          A                                                                                                                                                                                                c





                       Figure 11-3  A, A 3-cm  incision  is made  directly over the palpable lateral  digital  extensor  tendon  just proximal to

                       its junction  with  the long digital extensor tendon  (a). A second  10-cm  vertical skin incision  is made directly over the

                       lateral  digital  extensor  starting  at the muscle-tendon  junction  and extending  proximally  (b).  B,  The lateral  digital

                       extensor  tendon  is excised  in the  distal incision.  C, The entire tendon  is pulled through the proximal  incision.  D, The

                       muscle is severed in the proximal portion  of the incision  so that at least  2 cm of muscle is removed.

                       POSTOPERATIVE CARE                                                                                                          surgery  are  variable  and  cannot  be  predicted.

                                                                                                                                                   Improvement,  when  present,  may  occur  in  the

                          Postoperative ~re                                                                                                       immediate  postoperative  period  or  days  to

                                                                                                                                                   1nonths  after the surgery.                             2

                          Bandaging:  A  sterile  dressing  is  placed  over the

                          incisions  and  a  full  limb  bandage  is  placed  from

                          the  proximal  tibia distally.  The  bandage is changed                                                                 COMPLICATIONS

                          as  needed every 2 to 4 days and maintained  until

                          the  incisions  have  healed.

                          Exercise  Restridions: Stall  rest is  required  for                                                                    Dehiscence  of the incision  may occur,  especially if

                          2 weeks and followed  by small  area turnout  for  2                                                                    a stringhalt gait persists in the early postoperative

                          weeks.                                                                                                                  period.  Seroma  or  hematoma  formation  associ-

                          Medications:  Phenylbutazone  is administered  at                                                                       ated with  the stump  of the lateral  digital  extensor

                          4.4  mg/kg  BID for  24 hours.                                                                                          muscle  may also occur.

                          Suture Removal:  Skin  sutures are  removed  12

                          days postoperatively.


                      EXPECTED OUTCOME                                                                                                            Stringhalt  is  a  gait  abnormality  characterized  by

                                                                                                                                                  exaggerated  hyperflexion  of  one  or  both  hind

                      Although  positive  results  from  the  surgery  are                                                                        limbs.  Several  forms  have  been  described.  The

                      often  dramatic  and  very  rewarding,  owners                                                                             Australian, or outbreak,  form of stringhalt  is bilat-

                      should  be  forewarned  that  the  results  of  the                                                                         eral,  occurs in groups of horses on pasture,  and  is
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