Page 32 - The Veterinary Care of the Horse
P. 32

Bridget Hill and Rupert
        Mark Hillyer BVSc DipECVS PhD CertEP CertEM (Int Med) CertES (Soft Tissue) MRCVS – 17.5
        Dr Anna Hollis BVetMed DipACVIM DipECEIM MRCVS – 18.37, 18.38, 18.39, 18.45  Harriet Holyoake and Saffy

        Jan Hooper and Silver
        Kay Humphries – 12.9, 12.10, 12.11, 12.12a and b, 12.13, 12.14, 12.15, 12.17a and b, 12.18
        Itchy Horse Sweet Itch Advice Line – 18.11
        Belinda Inwood and Posy
        Jackson Arenas and Lincoln University: 22.4

        Ruth Jacobson and Casper
        Jan Jarvis
        Francis Keeling RSS
        Derek Knottenbelt BVM&S DVM&S MRCVS – 18.15a and b,18.36, 18.41, 21.8, 21.14, 21.15, 21.17, 21.22, 21.23, 21.26,
        J. G. Lane BVetMed DESTS FRCVS – 15.17

        Debbie Langton and Rodney
        Deborah Leabeater MSc MRSB CBiol
        Tim Mair BVSc PhD DEIM DESTS DipECEIM AssocECVDI MRCVS – 15.20, 15.22, 15.23
        Andrew McDiarmid BVM&S CertES(Orth) MRCVS – 6.27, 6.30, 6.63
        Merial Animal Health – 2.16, 2.21, 2.22, 2.24, 18.16

        John R. B. Mould BA BVSc DVOphthal MRCVS – 21.13a
        Michael J. Murray DVM MS Dipl ACVIM – 17.3a and b
        Pam Neff – 11.12
        David Nicholls AWCF RJF – 6.21, 6.36, 6.40b, 6.48a and b, 6.50

        Nortev – 15.18
        Mark Oliver DipWCF
        Virginia Phillimore
        Andrew Poynton FWCF – 6.46, 6.49a, b and c
        Pressage Bandages – 3.26
        Anthony Pusey DO FE Cert

        Jonathon Pycock BVetMed PhD DESM MRCVS – 19.18
        Lady Radnor
        Jim Ravenscroft AWCF
        Dr Amy Reynolds BVetMed CertAVP BAEDT MRCVS – 12.22

        Tony Rose (Advanced EDT)
        Karen Rowsell and Mabel
        Esther Skelly-Smith BVM BVS MRCVS – 3.11
        Roxy, Sporty, Joan and Pallula
        Dietrich von Schweinitz BSc DVM MRCVS – 5.7a and b
        Heather Scott Parsons – 7.1b, 15.1c, 15.15, 16.1, 17.1, 21.27

        Jane Sleeman
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