Page 34 - The Veterinary Care of the Horse
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Welcome to the third edition of The Veterinary Care of the Horse. Since the second edition
was published in 2006 much has changed in equine veterinary medicine and surgery. Our
understanding of diseases that affect horses continues to increase and with this knowledge
comes the opportunity to improve our management and treatment of both familiar and newly
recognized conditions.
The aim of this book is to bring you up to date with these developments while still
presenting the information in the easy-to-read format that was popular with the first two
In addition to the previous guest authors Karen Coumbe MA VetMB CertEP CertVA
MRCVS, Alex Thiemann MA VetMB CertEP MSc AFHEA MRCVS and Margrit Coates
MNFSH SBRCP, I am delighted to welcome Sarah Stoneham BVSc CertESM MRCVS and
Esther Skelly-Smith BVM BVS MRCVS as guest editors and Deborah Leabeater MSc
MRSB CBiol as consultant nutritionist. I thank them for their valuable contributions to the
book and Karen Coumbe for her continued support as veterinary editor.
As always it is important to remember that the symptoms of any disease can vary from
horse to horse. This book is in no way intended to replace advice from your own veterinary
surgeon, who will make a diagnosis and recommend the most suitable treatment for the
individual patient.
I hope you enjoy this edition of The Veterinary Care of the Horse. The aim is to help
everyone involved with horses to understand the vet’s approach and provide the best of care
for their horses.
Sue Devereux BA BVSc MRCVS