Page 33 - The Veterinary Care of the Horse
P. 33
Luisa Smith BVMS MRCVS – 7.3a and b
Kate Smith and Joey
Carol Soormally Annie Standen
Sarah Stoneham BVScCert ESM MRCVS – 8.17, 11.8, 19.22
Amanda Sutton MSc Vet Phys MCSP Grad Dip Phys
Dane Taturniuk DVM MS DipACVS-LA – 9.11
Frank Taylor BVSc PhD MRCVS – 11.8a and b, 15.6, 15.8, 17.15, 17.18
The Donkey Sanctuary – 8.19, 17.19, 23.1, 23.2, 23.3, 23.4, 23.5, 23.6, 23.7
Alex Thiemann MA VetMB CertEP MSc AFHEA MRCVS
John Thompson – 12.9, 12.10, 12.11, 12.12a and b, 12.13, 12.14, 12.15, 12.17a and b, 12.18
Penny Unwin
Wendy Vere MRCVS MA VetMB
Clodagh and Jason Wallace
Martin Walls C/EqD BAEDT – 2.7, 2.9, 2.10
Tammy Weal
Matt Webb
Silver Whinnys – 18.6
Whitsbury Manor Stud
Elaine Woolley
Alan Wright BVSc MRCVS – 18.2a and b, 18.8c and d, 18.12a, 18.13, 18.18a, 18.28a, 18.41b, 18.47
Kate Walters and Hovis
Tina Yarrow
All other photographs by Karen Coumbe and the author.