Page 48 - Feline diagnostic imaging
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42  4  Nuclear Imaging
              While  ultrasound  and  other  cross‐sectional  imaging   should be normally hydrated before the examination and
            modalities have largely replaced morphologic renal scintig-  must remain motionless during the procedure so chemical
            raphy, determination of GFR is likely the second most com-  restraint is usually required. Anesthesia and sedation can
            monly  employed  scintigraphic  procedure  in  cats.  Renal   alter GFR, but studies have shown that acepromazine and
            insufficiency  and  renal  failure  are  common  in  older  cats   butorphanol  can  be  used  for  restraint  of  cats  without
            and are a concern in cats treated for hyperthyroidism. While   adversely affecting GFR results. Patients are positioned for
            clinical pathologic data can determine the overall renal sta-  dorsal  imaging  and  1–3 mCi  of  99m Tc  diethylenetriamine
            tus of patients and global GFR can be determined by other   pentaacetic  acid  (DTPA)  is  injected  intravenously.
            means, scintigraphic GFR allows evaluation of each kidney   Immediate dynamic image acquisition is initiated and con-
            independently. This becomes important when severe uro-  tinued for six minutes. A computerized program then gen-
            lithiasis,  neoplasia  or  trauma  requires  consideration  for   erates  time–activity  curves  from  sequential  images  of
            unilateral  nephrectomy.  In  such  cases,  it  is  important  to   radiopharmaceutical in the kidneys. Global GFR and GFR
            determine that the contralateral kidney maintains adequate   for each kidney are calculated from the 1–3‐minute portion
            function for survival if the affected kidney is removed.  of  the  acquisition.  GFR  is  reported  as  mL/min/kg.
              Scintigraphy  is  a  rapid,  well‐documented  and  reliable   Figures 4.10–4.12 show examples of results generated by
            method  to  determine  GFR  in  cats  [19,  20].  The  patient   the procedure.

            Figure 4.10  A series of dynamic acquisition frames acquired just after injection of radiopharmaceutical ( 99m Tc DTPA) for
            determination of GFR. Ventral images with cat in left lateral recumbency, head to the left.
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