Page 145 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 145

                             FIG. 5.12  NETs formed by bovine neutrophils cocultured with
                             sporozoites of the protozoan parasite, Eimeria bovis. A, Several
                            sporozoites can be seen sticking to a network of fibers originating
                              from dead and disrupted neutrophils (scale bar, 50 µm). B, At
                              higher magnification, it can be seen that the NETs consist of a
                           meshwork of filaments, many of which are attached to a sporozoite
                              (scale bar, 5 µm). (From Behrendt JH, Ruiz A, Zahner H, et al: Neutrophil
                            extracellular trap formation as innate immune reactions against the apicomplexan
                                 parasite Eimeria bovis, Vet Immunol Immunopathol 133:1-8, 2010.)


               As a neutrophil crawls toward a chemotactic source, a lamellipod
               advances first, followed by the main portion of the cell. The cytosol

               of the lamellipod contains a filamentous network of actin and
               myosin, whose state determines the fluidity of the cytoplasm. When
               a neutrophil meets a bacterium, the lamellipod flows over and

               around the organism, and binding occurs between opsonins on the
               organism and receptors on the neutrophil surface (Fig. 5.13). When
               antibody-coated microbes are bound by neutrophil CD32, they
               trigger polymerization of actin. As a result, actin-rich lamellipods
               extend from the cell to engulf the particle (type 1 phagocytosis).

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