Page 149 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 149

of an unpaired electron):

                            FIG. 5.14  The major features of the respiratory burst pathway in
                            neutrophils. Binding of opsonized bacteria to phagocytic receptors
                           such as CD32 triggers the process. It results in the assembly of the
                            multicomponent enzyme NADPH oxidase (NOX) in the membrane
                           of the phagosome. Once assembled, NOX catalyzes the generation
                              of singlet oxygen. In association with other enzymes such as
                            superoxide dismutase and myeloperoxidase, bactericidal products
                           such as hydrogen peroxide (H O ) and hypochlorite ions (OCl ) are
                                                         2 2
                                                     then generated.

                  Two superoxide anions interact spontaneously (dismutate) to
               generate one molecule of H O  under the influence of the enzyme
                                                    2  2
               superoxide dismutase:

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