Page 153 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 153  Surface Receptors

               Cells must interact with many molecules and other cells in their
               environment. To this end, they express many cell surface receptors.

               As mentioned in Box 2.4, cell surface glycoproteins are classified by
               the cluster of differentiation (CD) system. Neutrophils carry many
               different CD molecules on their surface (Fig. 5.17). The most
               relevant of these are the receptors for opsonins and those that
               attach neutrophils to blood vessel walls. Other neutrophil surface

               molecules include receptors for inflammatory mediators such as
               leukotrienes, complement components such as C5a, chemokines,
               and cytokines.

                           FIG. 5.17  Some of the major surface receptors on neutrophils and
                                                     their functions.

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