Page 235 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 235

signaling.     Some cytokine receptors are decoys. They bind cytokines but do

               not transmit signals. The IL-1 type II receptor is such a receptor.
               Other decoy receptors have been identified for the IL1/IL-18 family
               as well as for the TNF, IL-10, and IL-13 receptor families.
                  The most important mechanism of cytokine regulation is through
               the opposing effects of different cytokines. For example, the type II

               cytokine IL-4 stimulates IgE production, whereas the type I
               cytokine, IFN-γ suppresses IgE production (Chapter 29). Likewise
               IL-10 and IL-37 inhibit the activities of many other cytokines (see

               Fig. 20.12). Suppressors of cytokine signaling (SOCS) proteins play
               an important role in the control of the inflammatory response.
               These act on both the NF-κB and the JAK-STAT pathways and so
               regulate inflammation. It is also important to bear in mind that at
               any given time, a single cell may receive signals from multiple

               cytokine receptors. It must somehow integrate these multiple
               signals to produce a coherent response.

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