Page 239 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 239

                            FIG. 8.10  One major pathway of signal transduction is mediated
                               by the transcription factor NF-κB. This is widely employed in
                            immunological signaling such as the response to sentinel cells to
                                           activation of their TLRs by PAMPs.

                  Binding of antigen to TCRs also activates NF-κB. Thus binding to
               the TCR activates a protein kinase C to form a protein complex that
               degrades IKK. Another pathway involves stabilization of NF-κB–
               inducing kinase (NIK). This activates IKKα, that then promotes the

               destruction of IκB by proteasomes. All NF-κB members affect TCR-
               induced T cell proliferation. Antigen dose and oscillations in
               calcium concentrations are also important because they modulate
               the movement of transcription factors between the nucleus and


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