Page 237 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 237

are linked to serine and about 10% to threonine. Only about 1/2000  of the phosphate is linked to tyrosine. Thus tyrosine

               phosphorylation is a rare event. Nevertheless it is a key mechanism
               in almost all the signal transduction pathways described in this


               Transduction Pathways

               Although there are many signal transduction pathways, three play

               key roles in the immune system. These involve the generation of the
               transcription factors: NF-κB, NF-AT, and STAT.

               NF-κB Pathway

               The NF-κB pathway is the most significant signal transduction

               pathway in the immune system. It is the pathway that is activated
               when antigens bind to the T cell and B cell antigen receptors (TCR
               and BCR); when PAMPs bind to the pattern-recognition receptors
               (PRRs), such as the TLRs and NODs; and when TNF-α binds to its
               receptor. Thus NF-κB plays a critical role in both innate and

               adaptive immunity. The term NF-κB refers to a family of five
               transcription factors. These factors can form many heterodimers
               that activate different genes. More than 150 unique stimuli can

               activate NF-κB, and more than 150 genes are expressed after NF-κB
               activation. In a resting cell, NF-κB is found in the cytosol in an
               inactive form bound to a protein called IκB. IκB inhibits NF-κB
               activity by masking its nuclear binding site. Thus in resting cells,
               NF-κB cannot move to the nucleus or activate genes.

                  The major NF-κB activation pathway is triggered by
               inflammatory cytokines IL-1 and TNF-α, by TLRs, and by antigen
               receptors, and it is essential for innate immunity. The signals

               induced by these stimuli converge on a central regulator of NF-κB,
               the IKK (IκB kinase) complex. This complex consists of multiple
               subunits with kinase activity. When activated, IKK phosphorylates
               IκB. As a result, the IκB dissociates from the NF-κB and is
               destroyed. This releases the NF-κB so that it can enter the nucleus

               and activate selected genes including those encoding IL-1β, IL-6, IL-
               18, IL-33, TNF-α, GM-CSF, and IL-4. NF-κB also activates the genes
               coding for chemokines, proangiogenic factors, adhesion molecules,

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