Page 319 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 319

peptide backbone rather than to its amino acid side chains.  Nevertheless, structural constraints limit the efficiency of binding of

               each allele. As a result, it is likely that only one or two peptides
               from an average antigenic protein can bind to any given MHC

               molecule. The ability of MHC molecules to bind antigens must be a
               limiting factor in generating adaptive immunity and resistance to
               infectious agents. Increasing the diversity of MHC molecules
               increases the diversity of antigens that can be bound and so

               increases resistance to infectious diseases. Because most individuals
               are MHC heterozygotes, each individual normally expresses at
               most six different class Ia molecules (in humans, for example, two
               each are coded for by the HLA-A, -B, and C loci). The number of

               expressed MHC molecules is not greater because that would
               increase the risk that the MHC molecules could bind and present
               more self-antigens. This would require the elimination of many
               more self-reactive T cells during development (Chapter 20). Thus

               the presence of six different MHC class Ia molecules appears to be a
               reasonable compromise between maximizing the recognition of
               foreign antigens while at the same time minimizing the chances of
               recognizing self-antigens, at least in humans (Fig. 11.11).

                           FIG. 11.11  The optimal number of MHC loci is a balance between
                              the need to respond to as many different microbial antigens as
                            possible and the need to avoid autoimmune responses. Computer
                           modeling suggests that the optimal number of MHC loci in humans
                                                          is six.

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