Page 385 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 385

drops to 30% by 1 year and to 5% by 5 years. The genes encoding  these γ/δ T cells show much less diversity than the genes encoding

               their α/β T cells.


               Pig leukocytes express nine unique surface proteins (SWC1 to
               SWC9). SWC1 is expressed on resting T cells, monocytes, and
               granulocytes but not on B cells. It is homologous to CD52. SWC2 is

               homologous to CD 27 and is found on T and NK cells. SWC3 is
               found on monocytes and macrophages. SWC9 is expressed only by
               mature macrophages. Pigs are a γ/δ–high species. In young pigs, up
               to 66% of blood T cells are γ/δ positive, but this drops to 25% to
               50% in adults. Pigs have two subpopulations of γ/δ T cells. One is

               CD2  and the other is CD2  and has not been identified in other
               species. Some pig γ/δ T cells can function as antigen-presenting
               cells using MHC class II molecules. Up to 60% of T cells in pig
               blood are double positive (CD4 , CD8 ). The rest are predominantly
               double negative (CD4 , CD8 ). Some CD4  T cells also express
               CD8α/α homodimers and are cytotoxic.

               Dogs and Cats

               In dogs, CD4 is expressed on neutrophils and macrophages but not
               on monocytes, whereas in cats, CD4 is found on only a subset of T
               cells and their precursors.

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