Page 389 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 389  Helper T Cells and Their

               Response to Antigens

               CHAPTER OUTLINE

                 Immunoglobulin Superfamily, 132
                 T Cell Antigen Receptors, 132

                         The Antigen-Binding Chains, 132

                         Signal Transduction Component, 134

                         CD3 Complex, 134

                         CD4 and CD8, 134

                 Co-Stimulators, 134

                         Co-Stimulatory Receptors, 135

                         CD40-CD154 Signaling, 135

                         CD28-CD80/CD86 Signaling, 135

                         Co-Stimulatory Cytokines, 136

                         Adhesion Molecules, 136

                 Immunological Synapse Formation, 136
                 Signal Transduction, 137

                 Overall Considerations, 137

                 Superantigens, 138
                 Helper T Cell Subpopulations, 139

                         Th1 Cells, 140

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