Page 406 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 406  Signal Transduction

               Once a TCR binds to antigen on a presenting cell and an
               immunological synapse forms, the receptor signals to the T cell.

               Several TCRs cluster so that the immunoreceptor tyrosine-based
               activation motifs (ITAMs) on the CD3 chains can activate their
               tyrosine kinases (Chapter 8). These form a signaling complex that
               acts through calcineurin to activate NF-AT. It also activates the ras-
               mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway that triggers

               AP-1 production and a protein kinase C-dependent pathway that
               activates NF-κB. These three transcription factors activate multiple
               cytokine genes (see Fig. 8.11). As a result, the T cells enter the cell

               cycle and synthesize and secrete a mixture of cytokines (Fig. 14.10).
               These newly produced cytokines trigger the next stages of the
               immune responses.

                            FIG. 14.10  Transmission electron micrograph of a lymphoblast.
                            Compare this with an unstimulated lymphocyte in Fig. 13.2. Note
                              the extensive cytoplasm, ribosomes, and large mitochondria.
                                                 (Courtesy Dr. S. Linthicum.)

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