Page 403 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 403

                            FIG. 14.8  The induction of Th17 cells by exposure to a cytokine
                            mixture containing TGF-β and IL-6. Differentiation is promoted by
                              IL-21 and maintained by IL-23. Th17 cells promote neutrophil
                                          accumulation and acute inflammation.

               Adhesion Molecules

               In addition to the dialog mediated by co-stimulatory molecules, T

               cells and antigen-presenting cells stimulate each other most
               effectively if they are linked by adhesion molecules such as the
               integrins. For example, CD2 and CD11a/CD18 on T cells bind to
               their ligands CD58 and CD54 on antigen-presenting cells and bind

               the cells together. Once tightly bound, an immunological synapse
               forms where the cells come into contact.

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