Page 399 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 399

example, CD4, found only on helper T cells, binds MHC class II  molecules on antigen-presenting cells. CD8, in contrast, is found

               only on cytotoxic T cells and binds MHC class Ia molecules on
               virus-infected or other abnormal cells. Both CD4 and CD8 enhance

               TCR signal transduction by linking the T cell to an antigen-
               presenting cell through the MHC.

                             FIG. 14.6  Role of CD4 and CD8 in promoting T cell responses.
                              These molecules link the T cell to the antigen-presenting cell,
                            binding the two cells together and ensuring that an effective signal
                           is transmitted between them. This interaction is seen in Fig. 10.6, A.

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