Page 454 - Veterinary Immunology, 10th Edition
P. 454  Plasma Cells

               Plasma cells develop from antigen-stimulated B cells (Fig. 15.14).
               Early plasma cells (plasmablasts) can be identified in the lymph

               node cortex and paracortex and in the marginal zone in the spleen.
               Fully developed plasma cells emigrate from these areas to the
               spleen, the medulla of lymph nodes, and the bone marrow.

                              FIG. 15.14  B cells originate in the bone marrow and proceed
                            through a series of differentiation stages before becoming able to
                           respond to antigen. When B cells respond to antigen, they respond
                             by division and differentiation of their progeny into plasma cells.

                  Plasma cells are ovoid cells, 8 to 9 µm in diameter (Fig. 15.15).

               They have a round, eccentrically placed nucleus with unevenly

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