Page 142 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 142
David A. Wilson
Indications for tracheotomy are to establish an The paired muscle bellies of the sternornandib-
emergency airway because of an upper airway ularis, sternothyroideus, and sternohyoideus mus-
obstruction, or to relieve nasal or laryngeal cles lie on the ventral aspect of the trachea and are
inflammation. Tracheotomy is a life-saving proce- separated during the approach. The tracheal rings
dure i11 the face of an upper respiratory obstruc- are spaced closely together, but incision of the
tion. Tracheotomy is also used to "rest" an annular ligament allows enough separation
inflamed upper respiratory tract. Tracheotomy to insert the tracheotomy tube without removal
can also be used as a route for endotracheal intu- of portions of the tracheal ring (Figures 23-1
bation for general anesthesia when nasotracheal through 23-5).
or orotracheal intubation limits access to the sur-
gical field.
A 6- to 8-cm ventral midline incision is made
Tracheotomy tube and scalpel blade. between the tipper and middle thirds of the neck
in a region where the trachea is easily palpable. In
cases where a permanent tracheostomy is antici-
POSITIONING AND PREPARATION pated or even a possibility, the tracheotomy site
should be caudal enough to allow space in the
Ideally, a wide area is clipped and routinely pre- cranial third of the neck for the subsequent tra-
pared for aseptic surgery; however, i11 emergency cheostomy (Figure 23-6). Long incisions should
situations little preparation is done. The proce- be avoided to improve the "fit" of the tracheotomy
dure is ideally performed standing with the head tube.
extended using local anesthesia. In an emergency The subcutaneous tissues are incised, and the
situation, a variety of positions are used. When paired sternothyrohyoideus muscles are separated
used as a route for endotracheal intubation, the on midline. Blunt dissection should be minimized
procedure is often performed iI1 lateral recum- to decrease subcutaneous emphysema and seroma
bency after induction of anesthesia. Light seda- formation. Two tracheal rings in the center of the
tion may be necessary for fractious patients. incision are identified, and a transverse stab inci-
Draping is not necessary, but sterile instruments sion is made between the two rings. The stab inci-
and gloves are desirable. sion should completely penetrate the tracheal