Page 151 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
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                                                                                             CHAPTER                                                                   25

                                                                  Surgical Treatment Options for  Dorsal

                                                                              Displacement of the Soft Palate

                                                                                                               David  A.  Wilson

                                                                                                                                               spay hook  may be useful  for the  sternothyroideus
                    INDICATIONS                                                                                                                tenectomy  procedure.9  A  Gelpi  or  Weitlaner

                                                                                                                                               self-retaining  retractor,  Allis tissue  forceps,  long-

                    Dorsal  displacement  of  the  soft  palate  (DDSP)                                                                        handled  or  right-angle  scissors,  and  curved

                    causes temporary  or intermittent  exercise intoler-                                                                        sponge  forceps  are  used  for  soft palate  resection.

                    ance.  A  number  of  factors  potentially  influence                                                                      An Nd:YAG, C02,  or  diode  laser  may be  used  to

                    soft  palate  position,  and  accordingly  a variety  of                                                                    transect  muscle  or to  perform  the  staphylectomy

                    procedures  have been  described  for the treatment                                                                         or photothermoplasty  procedures.10,12,13,17,19

                    of  DDSP.  Altering  the  head  position,  changing

                    tack,  and  using  a  "tongue-tie"  or  a  figure-eight

                     noseband  are a few of the  conservative  treatment                                                                        PREPARATION AND POSITIONING

                     options  that may help  horses  with  DDSP  and  aid

                     in the diagnosis  and  determination  of the cause of                                                                      Most  procedures  are  best  performed  with  the

                     the  displacement.  Various  surgical  procedures                                                                          horse  under  general  anesthesia  in  dorsal  recum-

                     have  been  described  to  treat  DDSP,  including                                                                         b.ency and the head extended; however, withexpe-

                     sternothyrohyoideus  myectomy,  sternothyroideus                                                                           rience,  they can be  accomplished  in the  standing

                     tenectomy,  staphylectomy,  and  epiglottic  aug-                                                                          sedated  horse  with  local  anesthesia.

                     mentation.l"  Various combinations  of the proce-                                                                                 Staphylectomy  procedures  require  temporary

                     dures  have  also been  described.P'"  Also, various                                                                        access to the larynx. This is typically accomplished

                     laser  procedures  to  either  resect  or  cauterize  the                                                                  by using  intravenous  anesthesia.  When  an  endo-

                     soft palate,  and  a tie-forward  procedure  have been                                                                     tracheal tube  is used,  it is removed  for the portion

                     recently  described  to  address  DDSP.10,12,13,1?,20
                                                                                                                                                 of the  procedure  requiring  access to the larynx.

                     None  of these  procedures  are  very  effective  for

                     persistent  DDSP  because  of the  likely damage  to

                      innervation  of  the  soft  palate  and  pharynx  in                                                                       ANATOMY

                     these  cases.

                                                                                                                                                 The  sternomandibularis  originates  from  manu-

                                                                                                                                                 brium  sterni,  extends  the  entire  length  of  the

                      EQUIPMENT                                                                                                                  neck,  forming  the  ventral  border  of the  jugular

                                                                                                                                                 furrow;  and  inserts  on  the  caudal  border  of the

                      Rochester-Carmalt  forceps,  straight  Rochester-                                                                          rarnus  of the  mandible  ( see Figures  23-1  through

                                                                                                                               an                23-5).  At approximately  the  mid-cervical  region,
                      Pean  forceps  with  longitudinal  serrations  )
                      angiotribe  or a similar  instrument,  and  a Penrose                                                                      the  paired  sternomandibularis  muscle  diverges

                      drain  are  used  for  the  myectomy  procedures.  A                                                                       from  midline,  exposing  the  underlying  paired

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